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MS son carries along bookbag, bat bag, practice clothes, turfs and cleats every day to school. Then takes a bus to ms or jv practice depending on what the hs coach decides (we do know in advance the day before). When at ms practice he can wear whatever but jv/hs practice has to be certain uni for each day. Needless to say, getting all his “stuff” from home and back is a constant struggle. Is there a bag that you recommend for cleats/turfs/practice uni? And we must not forget the hat that he has to wear at either practice but can’t wear during school. Oh yeah, God forbid the hat get bent. 

I know this is nothing new for most of you but help me help a scatter-brained kid. 

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Sing he has a book bag, you may want to get a baseball bag with wheels. 
The following link may help:[matchtype]=b&google_params[network]=g&google_params[device]=m&google_params[creative]=381543623185&google_params[keyword]=&google_params[adposition]=&google_params[adgroupid]=76772379734&google_params[campaignid]=6490998898&bs=&google_params[feeditemid]=&google_params[targetid]=dsa-19959388920&google_params[loc_interest_ms]=&google_params[loc_physical_ms]=1015279&google_params[devicemodel]=&google_params[target]=&new_api=true&dest=0&sys_id=0%7C254&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4c6gh4nj5wIVhsVkCh0MHA9XEAAYASAAEgIZvPD_BwE

This gets easier once a kid is old enough to drive (assuming he has a car).  My kid's vehicle is basically a rolling gear closet / dumpster (and smells like the latter).  I had to drive the boy's car the other day and got concerned because I was hearing a lot of rattling when I braked.  Eventually I realized that he had about 20 baseballs loose in the back and every time I stopped or slowed they were rolling all over the place.

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