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I have been asked a few times about injuries here and there about a variety of things. I wanted to let you all know I’m more than happy to answer questions as best as I can over the internet, but realize there are some things that simply cannot be answered without a full in-person evaluation. If you want thoughts about this or that, feel free to post here or PM me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Little background for you:
I am a certified athletic trainer licensed in the state of Illinois. I work with high school athletes on a regular basis in my current position, but I have athletic training experience at the youth, high school, college (NCAA DI), and professional baseball levels. I currently hold a bachelors degree in health management: athletic training and will be pursuing my masters degree in the fall in Medical Sciences: Athletic Training Concentration. I also have experience in physical therapy clinics and weight rooms. I am preparing to take the Bigger Faster Stronger Coaches’ Certification exam in the next week or so.

I place heavy emphasis in my clinical practice on concussion recognition and management, hip and knee dysfunction, and “functional movement.” When I look at an injury, I want to see the whole picture and not just the specific joint that is injured because oftentimes that joint is where the pain and injury is manifesting, but not where the problem truly lies.

Again, ask away. I’ll be happy to answer any questions that I can. Just realize that there is only so much that I can advise without referring you to a physician or physical therapist, etc


"Every Athlete Deserves an Athletic Trainer"

Original Post
What an awesome resource, thanks for offering up!

A scenario and a few questions...

Son is RH hitter, LH thrower. He felt a particularly strong pain just behind the elbow of his non-throwing right arm after a swing during pregame hitting and had numbness and inability to grip anything at the time of injury. He had access to an athletic trainer who examined and had initial concern that he may have tore his tricep badly (possible detachment). A few days later, a sports doc diagnosed as a tear but not a detach. I did some "scratch the surface" research and couldn't find any instances of torn tricep from hitting. Is this common? Is this feasible?

So, he recently started physical therapy. He is a two-way player and trying to figure out whether he should concentrate his efforts as a position player or P. Supposedly, the therapist has a background of working with baseball players at a high level. According to son, she told him that his muscular make-up is too tight for him to be a successful P. What would you make of this statement?
Last edited by cabbagedad

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