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Great point TR. One of the people I was watching the game with is a pharmacist who said no way someone with a heart condition could take this medication.

Along with Palmiero and others, this comes under the topic of saying anything for a buck. To that end, I've seen any number of players who endorse a certain brand bat, glove, shoe etc. and that ain't what they are using come game time.

As far as the anti baseball script, I think he just pointed out that baseball players at least have the sense to come out of the rain. laugh
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Consider the source and think about it. Can you imagine Mike Ditka, the baseball player? My first thought was the neandrathal mentality is not a baseball state of mind. I thought the baseball player was percieved higher on the evolution chain than the football player.
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Personally, I thought it was a very bad marketing tactic - given that many of the folks watching the ad are 2 and 3 sport fans. Negativity in an ad such as that loses half of the viewers before it even finishes.

That - combined with Mike Ditka doing an ad for a serious topic - doesnt make for an effective commercial IMO.

The marketing folks for that company blew it IMO.
Offensive right across the board -- the horsepatootie comparison between the two sports (It was already done exceedingly well by Carlin....why revisit? Wink), Ditka as spokesperson, and the football-tire image at the end. What, no train and tunnel? Sophomoric.

That, flatulence, bondage and bare breast halftime, rappers and flags....real lowest common denominator stuff.

Oh, that's right. It was football.

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
Agree with Hey and Orlando.

Mike should do what he does best...stay retired from football and enjoy life.

Don't have the problem so I can't comment about it except to say that it is a medical condition and if someone has it they should see a medical doctor.

Mike and Mike North (a local sports talk show host whose claim to fame is that he once owned a hot dog stand) have a tendency to speak on subjects which they know absolutely nothing about!
HotMama, I'm a bit too young to have this problem, hopefully, knock on wood. But from what I read many have the condition-not sure company would lay out half mil for 30 sec. spot if no end users. Some of us in Chicagoland still like "Iron" based on 85 title he helped bring, not much else he's done.
Been, agree on Mike North - knowledgeable on local sports/gambling but not much else. Hard to listen on as he butchers language
I thought it such a huge gaffe that I did something I almost never do: I wrote a letter expressing my opinion to the manufacturer's President of U.S. Pharmaceuticals. It went out yesterday.

Excerpt from letter:

As a fan of both football and baseball, I was extremely disappointed that your advertising people would choose to deride baseball in an effort to promote Levitra during last night’s Super Bowl. Anyone who knows the game of baseball and those who play it also knows that there is no more “vital” combination. As a result, the commercial came across as foolish and narrow to me and, I suspect, to millions of other Americans.
How common is it?...I have never met anyone with it

That's just the power you have HM. walk One look at you and they're healed!

(As prepster said, maybe we should wait for the chat room chat) biglaugh

PASSION - "There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those."
From one who has worked in advertising, I understand why they did this commercial. Remember that they have ML players advertising Viagra, so the point they were trying to make was that Levitra was for "REAL MEN", like football players. I don't think any harm was intended, the commercial just was a lousy one. It was the case of one manufacturer trying to put down another.
Nonetheless, it really ******off my husband and myself.

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