My son is an oustanding bb player/hitter with a beautiful swing.These are not my words but the words of his batting coach who is a minor league hitting coach and dads from other teams that have told us after he hits homeruns over 20 foot fences on hs fields when he was 14.We have worked on his hitting with top instructors since he was about 7; wanting to start him correctly from day one instead of fixing it later.He is also a very good 3rd baseman and has a strong arm.
He injured his back while playing Gold Gloves before entering 9th grade.He suffered a stress fracture which took him out the entire summer season. He rested his back the entire summer and had it worked on by a therapist. He played several games on an elite team during the fall and seemed to be fine.Unfortunately, during his tryout in Jan. he pulled his back and had a horrible tryout. He could not sit and it hurt to stand the next day. We were able to give him prescription strength pain relievers (we've never done this before and know the harmful long term effects) and he did good the second day during scrimmage. He was also the only freshman to get a hit off the JV pitcher. Unfortunately, they were not grading that day; it was only for observing pitchers.We had hoped that he could play his game on Sat. enough to make up for Friday. His previous coaches and fellow players were shocked he didn't make the team. Since it was just based on Friday, we weren't surprised. He is rehabing his back and the dr. said while the fracture has healed, his back had tightened up and we are working on correcting the muscle memory.
The question is if there is truly a tryout for the JV or if the team is "set". There is no doubt he can beat out several of the other freshman players for JV next year. But do coaches decided the next 4 years based on the current freshman team or will they drop a player(s)? We have only 10 seniors leaving next year so that means only 10 jv players can move up which leaves only 10 freshman to move to jv. I know anything is possible but is it unusual for a current player to be cut for the next season - either jv or freshman?
Sorry this is so long; we're still heartbroken. He's worked incredibly hard for many years to get to this point.
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