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I'm pleased to announce that Bob invited me over to his home today to show me the remodeling that he has been doing at home. Bob is always looking for ways to improve the site, but at times it just seems that he can't always get to the computer and he hates those times away from the keyboard.

Being the crafty old engineer he his, that mind of his is always working and he is searching for solutions. Look for Bob to now be more available to the site with this latest improvement. Smile

"If you make every game a life and death proposition, you're going to have problems. For one thing, you'll be dead a lot."
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After years and years of conditioning, my wife finally has me putting the seat back to the "down" position.

Doesn't look like there's room to stand up with this unit, so Bob should be in compliance with gender-equity seat standard No. U-101:

The seat shall remain in the down position at all times, unless required to be raised for the convenience of the user. Following use, the seat shall be returned to the down position.

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