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Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know about some updates planned for our site in the coming year.

I've owned and administered the site and forums for almost 8 months now (since June 1, 2005). Many of you know that I have a real fulltime job (Web development) which pays the bills. Much of my available HSBBWeb time has been focused on learning how some of the admin functions work, taking care of basic member problems like login issues or other technical blips, and handling "behavioral challenges" in the forums - serious Board Manners violations.

However, in recent months a bunch of moderators have stepped forward and taken many of the behavioral issues off of my hands - THANK YOU, Moderators! Now I am beginning to focus my attention on more constructive issues, and I wanted to let you know a few of the things I'm working on or have planned.


I am catching up on updating many pages of the site itself (outside of the forums), such as Where Are They Now, the Photo Gallery, broken links on a few pages, and resources such as listings of Showcases and Camps. Any members who have additional updates for me are welcome to send them to


I will be upgrading our menu system on the non-forum pages of the site to make it easier to find all of the great articles and resources written and compiled by our founder, Bob Howdeshell. The current menu is good, but the new one I am developing will include all the main menu buttons plus a SUB-MENU for each main button. This will allow a member or visitor to run their cursor over the drop-down menus and quickly survey ALL the topics available on the site.

Picture 10 or 12 main categories with a dozen or more drop-down topics each - allowing two-click access to the hundreds of pages of articles which are tucked beneath the surface on our site. Please be a little patient with me for the rollout date of the new menu, though. The entire site consists of something like 7,000 items (pages plus images) - not including these forums - and took Bob about 7 years to build.


As long as I am redesigning the menu, I plan to include an update to the visual design of the site. I probably won't make any drastic changes since Bob put together a nice looking site, but will add a little of the artistic flavor that I use in my real Web job.


I have several other projects planned for this year, but can only give you hints, as those will have to wait for a while. Hints? Just a few key words: Games ... Database ... Clips ... oops, can't say any more right now! greenwinky

Feel free to e-mail me at with questions or suggestions!

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...I have several other projects planned for this year, but can only give you hints, as those will have to wait for a while. Hints? Just a few key words: Games ... Database ... Clips ... oops, can't say any more right now! greenwinky

New projects? Key words? Hints?...

I just gotta any of the new projects include cheese?

In my empty, cavernous head I have an idea for a game...a game along the lines of cat and mouse...I'll need some cheese for the mousetrap ...I've got the's right beside me here on the's the cheese that I'm having trouble with.

I've tried loading slices of American into the slots on the tower...nothing showed up on the screen.

I spread some of windmill's favorite Philadelphia brand Cream Cheese all over the monitor screen...couldn't see much that may have been happening on the screen...but managed to have several good games of tic-tac-toe playing with the cream cheese. I lost six out of the seven games...kept falling for the same opening gambit...won the last game by forfeit.

Finally I shot Cheez-Whiz into the spaces between the keys on the keyboard...looked cool...real cool...actually submitted a photo of this Cheez-Whiz laden keyboard to our local paper...they printed it and provided the caption "loco man driven to the edge in quest for ultamate fantasy computer game experience...he is seeking help." Did you catch the typo? They misspelled ultimate.

So you see MN-Mom...I've been stymied at every turn...maybe you would have better luck than I've been having at stuffing cheese into this website.

I'll hang up now and listen for your answer. phone

BTW...Great job!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Woo hoo thanks Julie. And yet with all that you already do, you took the time to send me a personal email to let me know how to respond to pm emails correctly forwardroll You rock!! There will definitely be a luxury box seat complete with your own personal snack bar someday in baseball heaven where the games and fun will never stop.. The world is in need of more devoted people like yourself who donate their time for young people and for the love of the game! baseball3

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