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Not related to baseball...but you've heard the great philosophical question, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Well, tonight my 9-year old daughter came up with yet another great question for mankind to ponder....

"Mom, if you and Dad had twins and I was one of them, would I be me or the other one?" Eek

OK, your turn...put some of your favorite questions/quotes/remarks by your kids.
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I want to know what you told her JB. Big Grin
I googled with that very question and it said -- "Why don't you ask Yahoo".

I remember an "answer" that my youngest gave me that I'll never forget. It was during his first week of first grade. I had picked him up and as we were driving home I was asking a few questions about how he liked school, his teacher, the food etc and then I asked: ---- "Have you made any friends Josh?" He said "yes". I asked: "Who's your best friend?" He said without hesitation ----- "You are Dad".
jb, tell her she would be a little of both and see what she comes up with.
She might surprise you even more.

My son was a pain in the as.., butt, when he was younger, still is sometimes. One day after I had finished yelling at him for few minutes for some ridiculous thing he did, he looks at me undisturbed and asks "you wouldn't want a boring kid would you"? Somehow I wasn't as upset as I was a few minutes early.
Originally posted by DaddyBo:
When my now-college-freshman (plebe)was roughly pre-school age, I was stepping out of the shower one day...he began singing a little song he was learning at church...

Zacheus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he...

needless to say, a memorable moment for me Roll Eyes

Similar post showers experience with youngest son at pre-school age...

"Why do Daddy's point out and Mommy's point down?" (.)(.)

No really good/safe answer... Roll Eyes
Based on the family tree history we should have twins. So I've given the twin thing some thought. My response would have been, "Whatever the case based on how (the boy) was when he was three I'm glad it wasn't boy twins. Based on how (the girl) was at fifteen I'm really happy it wasn't girl twins."

3yo son was a wind up toy without an off button. 15yo daughter was a drama queen. Now the 15yo boy is very easy going off the field of competition. The 20yo girl is still intense, but very mature.
The last move we made from California to New Jersey left my youngest (Brody) as a less than happy camper. He was 7 at the time.

My wife was talking to him about it one day and she told him that he was always so happy before and she looked forward to seeing him happy again... he looked at her with a serious face and said...

"That was California Brody mom... he's gone". He then proceeded to walk off.

Broke her heart, thankfully a week later he was in with a new group of friends and hasn't looked back.
Last edited by jerseydad
The area we lived outside of Washington DC still had some rural areas and farms. One day while driving past one of the farms son pointed to a silo and said
"look dad, a haylo".

I actually thought that name made a lot more sense.

At an even younger age when preparing for a bath we use to tell him to get buck naked. One day while still in his underwear he told us he was "half a buck naked".
Smart kid Smile. Definetly takes after mom. Big Grin

My kids are too old for me to remember the cute things they used to say Frown, but one that sticks in my mind is that my son couldn't get over that fact that someone wrote the Star Spangled Banner about his favorite team...(and the home of) the Braves. He was quite devastated to learn later on that it was about the flag.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
Smart kid Smile. Definetly takes after mom. Big Grin

My kids are too old for me to remember the cute things they used to say Frown, but one that sticks in my mind is that my son couldn't get over that fact that someone wrote the Star Spangled Banner about his favorite team...(and the home of) the Braves. He was quite devastated to learn later on that it was about the flag.

That tune was referred to as "the baseball song" by ours for a long time.
When my 25yr old was 2-ish we were in church sitting pretty much in the center and as the pastor paused to catch his breath my son (standing on the bench next to me) blurted out, "Dat guy got no haiw!" as he pointed to the pastor... Dead silence for a few seconds as all eyes shifted to the center of the church... Then a few giggles, the pastor smiled and continued his sermon while I sat frozen and red faced for a few long minutes.

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