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I know I'm preaching to the choir here.  But got in a little debate about the relative beauty of baseball and soccer on another forum.  And thought I would post my response here among fellow travelers and admires of the truly beautiful game! 

People who say that watching baseball is like watching paint dry continue to amaze me. I think they must have really dull senses and a form of intense attention deficit disorder. Baseball is admittedly not hyperkinetic constant motion.

Baseball  alternates between quiet moments and explosive moments of high intensity, somewhat in the manner of a finely wrought symphony. Unlike with drying paint, a whole host of amazing things happens in a baseball game, each worthy of close attention, during both the quiet moments and the explosive ones. A baseball game is a series of discrete movements, many involving the exercise of high skill. Each moment is pregnant with possibility. You don't need to be near the goal or under the basket to score. You can score from any base, in the right circumstances. In a tight and competitive game, you hang on each pitch, with the gap between pitches serving to build the tension and the anticipation.

The game as a whole is a series of finely coordinated individual moments that sum to something much more than a mere collection, each contributing to the overall narrative of the game. How one could not see the intricate beauty in this astounds me. How one could not appreciate the level of control in a finely spun curveball or slider. How one could fail to be awed by the power in a blistering fastball, with late movement, placed exactly where the pitcher aims to place it. How one could fail to see the artistry in a well-executed and well planned sequence of pitches that leaves the batter in the end looking flummoxed and foolish. How one could fail to be impressed by the canniness and athleticism of a batter who fouls off tough pitch after pitch, finally drawing a a walk or hammering a triple into the gap. How one could not see the grace and athleticism of a center fielder tracking down and corralling a hard hit ball in the gap, or appreciate the technique and power that it takes to turn and throw that ball, once caught, on target from the outfield at 100 mph to gun down a runner sliding into home, testing the outfielder's arm.

How one could witness the beauty of an athletic double play, the cat and mouse dynamics of an outstanding baserunner, trying to read the pitcher to get a good jump .. and on one and on .. and compare all THAT to paint drying, of all things. Well, that's just beyond comprehension!  Look,  I don't mean to diss soccer.  Its got its elements of beauty and grace too.  But  if soccer deserves to be called the beautiful game, then I guess baseball should be called the Truly beautiful game!

Last edited by SluggerDad
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Yes, all of that, and there are also the little games within the games, the adjustments, the way you can set a batter up for a pitch in the 9th with a pitch in the 5th.

Like many I'm subject to seeing the game through my own kid's experience in it, so at the risk of going down that well, here' something cool:

In the past year or so I've seen my son try a few dekes -- not enough to get a rep but enough to have a bit of influence in an inning or two. So the other day kid's playing 2B, there's one out and a runner on second. Batter hits a liner that is well over my kid's head but he leaps, comes down like he has the ball, and mimes a throw toward second. The runner buys it, turns back to second, then realizes he's been had, and literally falls on his face when he pivots back to third.

A few days later I remembered that we were at the game linked below, when Ichiro pulled off a great deke to save a run.  Talk about a guy who has played a beautiful game.   The kid loved seeing that play and I think it's been percolating in his baseball brain ever since.

Last edited by JCG
JCG posted:

Yes, all of that, and there are also the little games within the games, the adjustments, the way you can set a batter up for a pitch in the 9th with a pitch in the 5th.

Like many I'm subject to seeing the game through my own kid's experience in it, so at the risk of going down that well, here' something cool:

In the past year or so I've seen my son try a few dekes -- not enough to get a rep but enough to have a bit of influence in an inning or two. So the other day kid's playing 2B, there's one out and a runner on second. Batter hits a liner that is well over my kid's head but he leaps, comes down like he has the ball, and mimes a throw toward second. The runner buys it, turns back to second, then realizes he's been had, and literally falls on his face when he pivots back to third.

A few days later I remembered that we were at the game linked below, when Ishiro pulled off a great deke to save a run.  Talk about a guy who has played a beautiful game.   The kid loved seeing that play and I think it's been percolating in his baseball brain ever since.

my son and I were talking about that Ichiro  deke just the other day!

The other day I took my son to one of his games that was about an hour away,  traffic was light and we got there super early. Just a park district field, nothing special but it was early in the morning, the weather was warm and we were the first ones there so we kind of hung out and stared at an empty baseball field for awhile- totally happy to be there. Try that just sitting on the bleachers at an empty soccer field.

Last edited by KilroyJ

I prefer baseball too but I can understand why many casual fans think that soccer or football are more exiting. 

There are great moments in baseball but overall soccer and football are better for emotional fan involvement during the whole game.

Personally I'm more a neutral spectator than rooting for a team in baseball. I like to watch it but it is more curiosity and enjoying to see good hitting and defense (don't care much for pitching) rather than getting excited who will win.

Dominik85 posted:

I prefer baseball too but I can understand why many casual fans think that soccer or football are more exiting. 

There are great moments in baseball but overall soccer and football are better for emotional fan involvement during the whole game.

Personally I'm more a neutral spectator than rooting for a team in baseball. I like to watch it but it is more curiosity and enjoying to see good hitting and defense (don't care much for pitching) rather than getting excited who will win.

Not a huge soccer fan.  I don't agree that soccer is more exciting.  I think it's mostly a snooze fest, frankly.   Scoring is WAY to difficult -- mainly because of the off-sides rule.   Because scoring is so difficult, a team that is vastly outplaying another over the course of a match can easily end up losing.  And in what kind of sport do they decide a world championship by penalty kicks.   Would you want a World Series game  decided by a game of  home run derby if it was tied after nine plus a few extra innings?

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