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for the most part we only know they made a mistake due to the replay on tv!! why not like the nfl is doing, censor out what should not be shown like the peyton manning arguement when he was micd up! sure we would like to know what he said but again where do you draw the line? why not before they show the replay just think,is it a good idea or not? so basically the media and its replays are killing the umpires!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
Those of us 'inside baseball' can reasonably argue for or against 'instant replay' from an informed perspective but if you were to put the question out at large to the general population they most likely would ask themselves 'what's the harm? Every other sport seems to have it'.

Those of us "Inside baseball"? I am assuming that you have a son who plays college baseball?
By 'inside baseball' I mean those of us on the planet that are interested in following baseball at all of its various levels as opposed to the rest that don't care much.

Sort of like political junkies that follow the politicians,their political organizations, and the issues as opposed to thse that MAY show up to vote.

And your assumption is correct.
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
By 'inside baseball' I mean those of us on the planet that are interested in following baseball at all of its various levels as opposed to the rest that don't care much.

Sort of like political junkies that follow the politicians,their political organizations, and the issues as opposed to thse that MAY show up to vote.

And your assumption is correct.

I suppose some of us are inside and some of us aren't.

I might have missed it, who is your son and where does he play?
Tiger Paw Mom:

You suppose correctly about inside vs. outside. If you consider the entire planet's population, those that are interested in following baseball are a small number compared to the rest on the planet.

My point about 'instant replay' is that those that follow the game,insiders, are in a position to make an informed argument regarding 'instant replay'compared to those that don't follow the game,outsiders.

In my opinion the insiders would not want to put the question of 'instant replay' to the outsiders because they would arrive at their decision from an uninformed and uninterested point of view which would ultimately be bad for the game.

I'm also sending you a PM.
Not wishing to be drawn into needless arguement......

However in most circles.......having a son play college baseball of any level does not get you considered as being "inside baseball".......

You are an interested observer, an informed observer, a knowledgable observer....a fan of course........but you are not "inside baseball"......

Being inside baseball is most widely recognized as being a player, coach, manager, AD, league official, scout, Club employee, umpire and even groundskeepers......

But a parent?.........not a chance....

Unless, of course, the parent is also a player, coach, manager, AD, league official, scout, Club employee, umpire, or even a groundskeeper!

Never say never! laugh

I stand corrected for the misuse of the term 'insider'. I am not a member of the group listed above, but rather a member of the group listed below.

The interested observers, informed observers, knowledgeable observers, and of course the fans, along with you 'insiders', must stand guard at the baseball door and sheperd debates such as 'instant replay for baseball' through its course. This is the essence of what I was saying in the previous posts.

If we let those people that are uninterested in baseball control the issues affecting baseball then the game is in jeopardy.

Don't worry weren't drawn from your circle into a needless argument!
You suppose correctly about inside vs. outside. If you consider the entire planet's population, those that are interested in following baseball are a small number compared to the rest on the planet.

Im not correcting you on your use of the term....I actually like your thoughts posted above and in the grand scale of things, I agree whole heartedly with your concept of who is and who isn't inside baseball....

I, for one, have feet in both areas.....a HS/College Umpire.....and a father of a college player........and I support your position.

I am just taking exception to the point that says "who your son is and where does he play?" qualifying a person as being "inside baseball" or not........and the point that "some of us are inside and some of us are outside" is true.......most of us are outside....Our children are inside.....we are not...

When that line needs to be drawn it is drawn much tighter than as implied above....
Last edited by piaa_ump

Thanks for the reply.

In a nutshell my point is: When it comes to making ANY changes to baseball, and in this particular case allowing some form of 'instant replay',the people most interested in the game should be in charge of the debate and discussion.

In this case of 'instant replay' disinterested people may too easily support using it only because it is commonly used elsewhere. They most likely would not even consider the repercussions of its implementation.

For those that have previously posted on this thread urging the full or limited use of 'instant replay' this is the proper forum for the debate and I am not implying that because of this 'pro' point of view that they should be lumped in with the disinterested group mentioned earlier.

The people posting here on this topic, pro or con, bring a reasoned and knowledgeable argument to bear on the subject UNLIKE the disinterested group.

Baseball deserves our vigilance.
I'm not in favor of replay. I know everyone is going to jump my case but the umpiring in the NLCS is enexcusable. Foul ball called fair. Tag by Nunez at 3rd runner called safe. Edmond's check swing called swing and then ejection. The force at 2nd base last night. It wasn't even close as the replay showed that foot off bag. That would have made it bases loaded and no outs. Well, I've listed 4 or 5 blown calls. That's one blown call per game. Inexcusable for professional umps. I know this sounds classless. I know some of you are going to post that this is a part of the game. If we think it is acceptable for professional umps to blow one call per game then we are now ready for replay.

Congratulations to the Astros! Go Astros!!!

First you say you are NOT in favor of 'instant replay' and then you tally up all of the recent gaffes by the umps in the NLCS,calling them inexcusable and unacceptable. You stated that "if we think it is acceptable for professional umps to blow one call per game then we are now ready for replay". So which is it? 'Instant replay' or not? noidea

I'm not in favor of 'instant replay' in baseball for any situation but, like you, I do expect better from the umps in these big games.

How do we go about improving the level of umpiring by lessening the amount of 'blown' calls?

I think the effort is necessary... just do it without the use of 'instant replay'. Tall order? noidea

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