OK, it's that time of year again. All-League (, All-County, etc) selections. How did your son do? More to my point, how did YOU do with how your son did?
Here on HSBBW, there's tons of great guidance and advice to players on how to handle making the team, earning a spot in the line-up, being a good teammate, etc. Same goes for advice and guidance for parents on how to best navigate the process. However, I don't recall anything specifically targeting All-League selection time. This is another one of those events that should be reason for celebration and congratulations but, so often, becomes another mine field.
Parents, PLEASE put some thought into how you want to interact with your son under all possible scenarios regarding selection results. What message do you want to send if he is given high accolades? Is there something you are more proud of than his performance on the field? What is the best response if he makes 2nd team instead of 1st team? What if he gets no recognition and he and/or you expected that he would? Are you going to compare with the players who finished above him? Are you putting more emphasis on this than on the results of the team? Are you comparing and asking out loud why he didn't get the same attention one of his teammates received? Is the team in the middle of a playoff run and selection talk amongst parents may be detracting from what the primary focus should be? Are you encouraging him to genuinely congratulate those who did receive recognition? Are you doing the same with other parents?
This is another of those situations where our emotional investment with our own kids can hinder our actions while trying to set the proper example for them. Don't under-estimate the impact that your actions and reactions have on your son. Celebrate your son's successes on the season regardless of the extent of public recognition and congratulate others' as well. Encourage your son to do the same with his teammates. But understand that he likely won't if he is seeing or hearing contradicting actions from either of his two primary mentors, Mom & Dad.