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It's official, my son is now a high school baseball player. He's spent the past week trying out for the freshmen team and he's looked good. I don't know if he looks good because everyone else is bad or he really is good. I'd like to think he's good but I'm his dad so it doesn't really count. Smile

He also plays football (quarterback) so he does have some high school playing experience under his belt already. He's pretty excited to get the baseball season started, and I can't wait to watch him play. It should be a lot of fun.

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Hahaha! Very true, gotwood4sale!


He's about 5'10" and around 165lbs. He'll probably grow a few more inches and end up somewhere around the 6'-6'2" range. At least that's what his doctor told us. He's 15 years old (January) and is currently throwing 77-79mph according to my Stalker gun. He thinks he's hit 80mph but I haven't seen it so it's just speculation on his part. Smile

How is your son doing? I heard he had some injury problems. Is he okay?


P.S. Thanks to everyone for the congratulations!
Last edited by FlippJ
He's been out with various injuries for about a year and a half. He started throwing again in January and it's been a gradual process. The problem he was recovering from in January, pronator syndrome, hasn't shown up for a month or so but he's having the usual problems with the shoulder when trying to come back after a long layoff. It was a bit sore on Tuesday after pitching just one inning on Saturday but the soreness was in a different location than where he felt it after pitching so we think it was overwork at PT on Monday that caused the soreness on Tuesday.

He pitched in a game for the first time in a year and a half this last weekend. I had him at 80-81 on most pitches with a couple down at 79 on a JUGS but I think it may have been reading 2 or 3 mph fast as he was only throwing about 75 mph max about 3 weeks previous to that, although now he tells me his shoulder was a bit sore that day. He had no control over his off speed stuff and had to rely on fastballs only but still got through the inning with no hits and only a hit batter (on a change).

He's about 6'1" and 165 lbs. I think he's almost done growing as far as height although I'm hoping for another 1/2 to 1".

I'm a little surprised they don't have FlippJr at the JV level given the velocity. We played against a fairly good JV team this weekend and they only had one pitcher throwing over 80 on my gun which may have been reading fast as well as normally reading a couple mph faster than a Stalker on the same pitch.

Both of our guys coming off injuries were reading 80-81 on the JUGS and we've got 3 others throwing about the same speed including one freshman possibly throwing a bit faster but that is pretty unusual for JV.
Last edited by CADad

Forgive me but I cannot remember the age/grade of your son. I want to say he's a young sophomore but I'm not sure. It sounds like he's recovering. What do you attribute his injuries to?

As far as playing JV is concerned, freshmen don't move up at the HS my son attends. Sophomores do but I don't remember seeing a freshmen player move up since the current varsity coaches took over back in 1993. I could be wrong but I don't even remember seeing a freshmen player move up to the sophomore level.

Last edited by FlippJ
Gotta throw in my hearty mom air pushups to your son also. Boy are you all going to have a fun ride!
Its zips by so fast. Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy!!
Take lots of pictures. The more you take the better. May seem like alot at the time, but when you go back years later, it will seem you didnt take enough!

Congrats!!! and an ol' pat on the back too to the mom and dad!! ( its ok to jump on the couches in the living room too when nobody is lookin'! ha!)
Last edited by shortstopmom
Congrats to FlippJ and Brandon!

He IS good, Dad! And he's a hard worker, and also a very good athlete. I've seen the kid play quarterback, and he can scramble AND throw!

Have fun, and PM me with a schedule if you get a chance - I may just have to go watch one of his games this spring since mine is redshirting. Smile

Last edited by MN-Mom
You got it. Young sophmore, 15yo, a few months older than your son. He had a back injury due to being too physiologically young for a rigorous HS conditioning program combined with rapid growth going into his freshman season which led to an unspecified arm injury, which led to an olecranon stress fracture, which led to pronator syndrome, which if we aren't careful will lead to a shoulder injury.

Keeping freshmen down is one of those blanket policies that I don't agree with simply because he isn't going to have to develop as a pitcher to get most of the hitters out at the freshman level. I like seeing pitchers at a level where they can win but where they also have to improve to be successful as the season goes along and it seems like JV would be the right level for FlippJr. Nothing you can do about it so enjoy the Ks and keep working with him on your own. Hope he has a great season.
Last edited by CADad
Originally posted by CADad:
Keeping freshmen down is one of those blanket policies that I don't agree with simply because he isn't going to have to develop as a pitcher to get most of the hitters out at the freshman level.


It appears that I've spoken too soon. After our coach/parent meeting last night one of the varsity coach's approached me and mentioned that they were considering pulling my son up to the junior varsity team. If they did pull him up it wouldn't happen for a couple of weeks though. They want a little time to see the boys play before making any decisions. He said they were looking at pulling my son and one of his teammates up.

We were actually planning on taking a spring break trip down to Nashville next week. We're still going to go but after hearing what I heard last night I don't think my son will be joining us. The way he sees it he's been given an opportunity and he's going to do what he can to make it happen.

I'll keep you posted! Wink


P.S. Julie, I'll send you a schedule when I find out which team Brandon is playing on.
Last edited by FlippJ

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