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NJ...not sure what you mean? Like I said, he is well respected, and will run a good showcase. I'm not all that thrilled with showcases, but they are today's reality. I would imagine that most every school that has you in their recruiting territory will be there. That would mean schools from the North East and the Mid-Atlantic regions, Division I, II, III, and JuCo. Why don't you contact him and find out what you will get for your $275.00?

Good Luck!
ya but you can either pay how ever many $$$ for him to tape you and send it to colleges and i was told when they tape you and send it, its along with everyoen else there so they dont say your name or anything like will not be worth it if you ask me, your better off taping it yourself and sending it to the colleges you want, thats what i did.......i'm just saying i wouldn't trust him i talked to him on the phone and he tried to do whatever he could to get me to come and its just all for the money....i just dont think its worth it.
My son has not been to the camp nor are we going ( so I have no vested interest). I have heard some positives about the camp and Joe. IMO to say you don't trust him might be harsh unless you have more to the story than you've told. I would just say like any camp do ur homework and buyer beware.

I would say any unsolicted tape sent to a college (you make or someone else makes) is probably useless. But if this guy or any camp operator has contacts with colleges, or a history with and talks to coaches than it might be worth it. I see u are new here and there are others here with much more knowledge on the whole recruiting process but I will say that the coaching community is a close family and they do talk and a positive word or two by someone who is respected can go along way.

Originally posted by ughjoey21:
ya but you can either pay how ever many $$$ for him to tape you and send it to colleges and i was told when they tape you and send it, its along with everyoen else there so they dont say your name or anything like will not be worth it if you ask me, your better off taping it yourself and sending it to the colleges you want, thats what i did.......i'm just saying i wouldn't trust him i talked to him on the phone and he tried to do whatever he could to get me to come and its just all for the money....i just dont think its worth it.
If you're an 06' and running short on time. There are not to many options between now and the spring season. Especially here in the Northeast. For those 07' or 08' you may be better off waiting until the summer and showcasing while in game/throwing shape.

I have never gotten any negative feedback from the Wladyke showcase. Considering he played at Seton Hall, his son's at ND and St John's I would think he's fairly well conected in the Big East. His events have been around a long time, before a lot of others got involved in the the same.
noivece dad........i see what you were saying and i did talk to joe w. on the phone and he tried getting me to come and my parents said no after they found out that hes been scaming some people, my parents call some agency that looks at these kinds of things to see if there good or not and they told us it wasn't good, he probably doesn't scam people a lot but is it worth the risk. but he would keep calling and calling me not wanting to talk to my paretns but trying to get me to pay the i think it was $500+ to come.....he just seemed a little fishy to me.....and yes taping yourself playing or practicing and sending it to colleges does work......i have now been getting many letters from D1 schools......if you would like information on that angency for scams i would be happy to find that out for you.

I'm concerned about the claims you are making. I have no way of knowing whether they are true or not, but I am uncomfortable with seeing you make public statements about a business person "scamming" people.

Can you please contact me at before posting again on this topic?

Thank you,
I live in New Jersey and played baseball in college against Ramapo College when Joe W. was the head coach. He recruited a team that went to the Division III championship (although he left as coach the year before) and sent five or six kids into pro ball from that 1984 team.

Joe is honorable, hard-working, knowledgable and caring about the kids who go through his program. He helps players get into schools with his program. He is honest and I've never heard of him ever calling a player personally to get him to come to a camp. I find that almost impossible to believe.

Young Mr. McGuire needs to be careful of what he writes. Scamming is a dangerous accusation to make against a business.

The Wladyka service is a vehicle to create exposure and market players to schools. Like any other service, it costs money. If you do not want to pay the price for the service, do it yourself. There are no guns to anyone's head to do any of this. We chose the Perfect Game route because we thought it was the best service in the country. I think we made the right choice. Without a PG, Wladyka probably would have been next for us. I would trust him based on the dozens of friends that have used his company and had success.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228
Has anyone used his service and got to school that he rated the player for? Also have any of them stuck at that school and started? I have my doubts based on what little I know so would like to hear positive/negative directly from parents who had their kid use either the showcase and/or the recruiting service. The only "good" that I have heard is from people that have used them and come away with an opinion based on how they felt afterwards and not on "I took my kid there and this is what he rated him at and I got three offers from schools in that rating slot" so... would like to hear something more concrete as I looked at it and almost did it and then backed off because I am surprised at the # of opinions vs. a concrete story of how this service helped someone. Thanks.
Tim Robertson
The Joe W camps are well run and I have sent players in my programs to his camps. Players had nothing but good things to say so until I hear otherwsie, I will continue to make this opportunity available. I would not try to compare Joe's camps to the big showcases like PG, Blue Grey etc. However, he does a good job getting players looked at in the Northeast.

I think its unfortunate that he has taken some hits on this thread. As a Head Coach at the HS level, I see questionable camps, and baseball endeavors that I would never send my son to and I usually use that as the test. "Would I send my son?" Money is impoprtant to all of us and a parent would like to know their resources are well spent for their kids. Funny thing is, I do not know Joe W. personally, but when I have players that have positive experiences with a group or instructor, why change?

As it is simply put in so many threads on this site, find a showcase or camp that is a good fit for your son. Factors are costs, location, schools that normally attend, credibility, and finally, past results the service has had. If resources are limited, explore all available options and see what is the best fit.

On a personal note, my son was first noticed at SE Prospects Camp in Daytona Beach, FL. A coach was working at the camp and has been following him for two years. Yesterday, he signed with them. My son has been to PG, Blue Grey and they have all been terrific with him getting phone calls and letters. I guess in closing, you never know who is in attendance and you never know who is watching to give your 100% all the time. Whichever showcase you choose, make it worth your while.

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