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My player is a current 4-2-4 transfer (redshirt Sophmore, but academically a Junior).

His JUCO coach was very instrumental in taking the right courses.

The coach knew the rules better than the DI school the player transfered to. The DI told player he needed to take 12 hours during summer to be eligible in fall.

The JUCO coach told the DI that they were incorrect and showed them the rules on eligibility and that the classes transfered were allowable.

JUCO coach really knew his stuff.
Last edited by baseballtoday
My son was also a 4-2-4 with the same issue and his JC's athletic counsler knew the rules while several D1 programs didn't.

Interestingly a few D1 schools that didn't know the rules wouldn't listen to the JC counsler or coach and moved on! Too much trouble I guessSmile You've got to try and nip it in the bud if a coach thinks you're not eligable as he might tell other coaches the same.....
You've got to try and nip it in the bud if a coach thinks you're not eligable as he might tell other coaches the same.....

That is a very good point to think about. My sons counselor set him up well. Since he is qualifier out of HS he only needs 48 to transfer,but they have to be all solid classes, no room for any cake walks.If you follow that IGETC sheet your pretty good for transfer.
My sons team has several D1 guys also on that path you just talked about.
Two observations/considerations that are of importance...

First....Having watched a number of freshmen classes at JC baseball programs - a couple of the best in CA...Make no mistake there is DEFINITE risk putting a 17 or 18 year old into an apartment away from home. I would not make this decision without some real thought if I were a parent. There are many young man who are simply not ready to handle the discipline of running their own lives without some adult supervision for the first time. 4 year schools offer an opportunity to attend a halfway house for life (dorms) that give kids the flavor of full independence, but lessen both the risk and the downside.

Second...The kids at 4 year schools are drug tested...JC's few or not. It is a/one more deterrent to excess behavior that might be a challenge to an 18 year old with newfound freedom.

Cool 44

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