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These kinds of videos make you cringe (though I did laugh out loud). But I must say that one of the things I've always had difficulty with, is how there has been so much outright hatred for this man. I have the great fortune of having met "W" several times, and actually got to speak one on one with him, and I can tell you that you come away with a whole different perspective when you meet the man.

His love of our great Nation and what he felt needed protecting, as well as what he felt has made us great can never be questioned. I do hope that in time, that history will be kinder to his memory than the media has been to him over the past 8 years.


I have the great fortune of having met "W" several times, and actually got to speak one on one with him, and I can tell you that you come away with a whole different perspective when you meet the man.

Many have commented that in private he more than lives up to his Ivy League cred as thoughtful, resolute, compassionate and intelligent. The same folks watch him in public and cringe.
Last edited by Dad04
These guys are some of if not the most important men in the world but....they are not God, the are human and are not perfect.

Obviously they will always be put on a pedestal and any mistake they make (especially comical) will be pounced on by the media. It's what makes this country so great, the fact we can laugh at it without being persecuted.

I'd be willing to bet he's getting a chuckle or two out of it! Smile
Last edited by Danny Boydston
It really does come down to politics. This video is all about making people laugh. There is really no true hatred displayed here for W, disrespect yeah, but not hate. But we love to defend our guys, and I have no doubt that CadDAD would take a bullet for 43. That's honorable, it's not just blind faith, and it's cool. I get it, and CadDAD gets my respect.
On the other end, I was fortunate to meet one-on-one with 44, and I seriously can't fathom why people say the hateful things that I hear about him. He's much more than a good man, he is our president. But how much more hate can you dump on a man than to call him the antichrist? Don't say you haven't heard that. I'd rather forget how many times I have, and as an Amercican I'm getting tired of having to defend him- he's been in office less than a month! Maybe we all need to take some deep breaths and come back up to the plate with focus on the real game here. We're really all on the same team.
I thought the video was funny and I agree that Bush is probably laughing as well.

However, David Letterman should crawl back in his hole.

Spizz, I also agree that people shouldn't be hateful towards our president-really no excuse for it.

BTW, I'm sure you got just as tired defending President Bush didn't you? He had 8 years of the hateful comments even before he took office. You really must have been tired.
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
Cleveland AGAIN, It was not meant to be political ok!

And by the way, there have been tons of political threads here and I don't recall you calling anyone out. Why me all the sudden!

Did you happen to notice they are all down in the unusually unusual forum? If it were up to me (and it is not) I would disallow it there too.
You can disagree with the decisions of a President, but I have never understood the personal attacks. All presidents, at least in the last 40 years or so, have been subjected to rude, disrespectful humor. Some more than others. But none of those humor attacks (and that's what they are...consider the sources like Letterman) since Jimmy Carter have been as personal and directed at the lack of intelligence as have been thrown at Bush 43. The same sorts of barbs that have been thrown at him will never be thrown at Obama. Why...because one's a better public speaker than the other. Quite shallow.
I am closing this thread because I see it as a political jab. Humorous to some, hateful to others. Communications is not as simple as "this is what I'm saying and you NEED to take it in this manner." Communications aren't always taken in the way they are intended and usually seldom taken in the way the speaker/writer suggests if an explanation has to precedes the comments. As a moderator I have to make the call as to whether or not a post is political and would that post be hurtful to some members. This was an easy call. The way it was intended was NOT the way it was taken by me. Some could say that is MY PROBLEM while others would say it is the "other sides" problem. In doing so we have a political standoff and a polarized argument ensues ---- nobody wins --- everybody loses.
In the future if I see what I consider a political or religious post (with the exception of a prayer request) I will delete that post hopefully eliminating some frustration for the vast majority of HSBBW members. I apologize in advance if I step on toes in doing so as that is not my intent.

Finally went to that link. Nothing political, just hilarious!

Here’s something to think about? Maybe it is an example of just how crazy things are.

Most would call the President of the United States the most powerful figure in the world.

Because of that, the president is judged by what happens during his years in office. Fair or not, he is judged by everything that takes place during his period of leadership. He is judged the single person most responsible for all negative things (and the positive things) that impact our country during his watch. Deflecting the blame onto someone else never goes over well.

Many would call the commissioner the most powerful figure in Major League Baseball?

Most would say that Major League Baseball has gone through a very negative period.

What does the President of the USA get paid for doing that job? $400,000

What does the Commissioner of Baseball get paid for doing that job? $18,350,000

Anyone think THAT is a SHAME!

Don't know if I can add this or not. Wasn't the original link taken from a nationally televised show seen by millions of people? Aren't these things a common occurence on national television. (Letterman, Leno, etc) Yet it is deemed unappropriate to post here? Sorry... But in my mind there is something wrong about that ! I hate political arguments, but this is comedy. Obama will be the next subject.
Last edited by PGStaff
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