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Originally posted by Quincy:
Congratulations to the Korean team.

They rise as a new baseball power.

You are kidding me, right?
BTW, Did you notice...
2008 14U team Gold
2008 16U team (finals)
2008 18U team Silver
2008 collegiate team Gold

Any complaints about where our youth baseball is headed?

They are trying to force MLB into sending million dollar superstar players, I doubt that will ever happen in late august of any year. The reason for this is MONEY, big names sells tickets to venues. They want the stands packed to watch the superstars. This is still all about business.

Did we have the best players in the games, apparently, the best players who were AVAILABLE. Some of those included two collegiate players (Strassburg most likely being the most effective pitcher who held up pretty well on his own), recent draft picks and older players on reserve rosters for MLB. Not sure if this shows just how much MLB and their teams doesn't care about baseball in the Olympics.
I much prefer track and field, swimming, volleyball, gymnastics, etc, you know, the sports we don't often get to see or hear about. The ones where they don't get mega million dollar contracts.

Get over the US Hockey upset win of years ago.

Our youth have little to no future in the globalization of MLB.

MLB is opening new markets all around the world. Here, we continue to subsidize a sport that works to the detriment of our youth.

I wouldn't think that you would understand that tactics used by the 1980 hockey team that changed the NHL and made stars of Gretsky and others were the key to victory.

Just reinforces my belief that intelligence is lacking in baseball as a team sport in the USA.
Originally posted by TPM:

You are kidding me, right?
BTW, Did you notice...
2008 14U team Gold
2008 16U team (finals)
2008 18U team Silver
2008 collegiate team Gold

What are those things?

Any complaints about where our youth baseball is headed?

Yes! In this country its turning into another country club sport like tennis and golf where the advantage goes to the those who can afford the membership.

They are trying to force MLB into sending million dollar superstar players, I doubt that will ever happen in late august of any year. The reason for this is MONEY, big names sells tickets to venues. They want the stands packed to watch the superstars. This is still all about business.

And why is that a bad thing? Isn’t it exactly what MLB does? The difference is, MLB won’t be getting the lion’s share of the pie from the Olympics revenues. Let the IOC offer MLB a billion dollar share of the pie and we’d be seeing ARod if the Yanks were in the heat of a pennant race.

Did we have the best players in the games, apparently, the best players who were AVAILABLE. Some of those included two collegiate players (Strassburg most likely being the most effective pitcher who held up pretty well on his own), recent draft picks and older players on reserve rosters for MLB. Not sure if this shows just how much MLB and their teams doesn't care about baseball in the Olympics.
I much prefer track and field, swimming, volleyball, gymnastics, etc, you know, the sports we don't often get to see or hear about. The ones where they don't get mega million dollar contracts.

Actually, it was the best players who were made available that anyone looked at. Are you saying those 2 college players were better than every single player in affiliated or unaffiliated professional ball? If it is, IMHO you’re making one heck of a leap.

By mega dollar contracts, do mean like the one Phelps signed with Kellogg? Although there are a lot of Olympic sports where its athletes don’t get contracts to play like MLB, NFL, or NBA players get, but you can bet your life that they get just as lucrative, if not more so endorsement deals. Not like MJ or Tiger deals, but many of them get 7 figure deals without blinking an eye.

The bottom line is, there aren’t many sports that are pure any longer, and the reason you don’t hear about them is, you don’t try.
Korea is not a new power in International baseball. In 1992, our American team played the National Team from Korea and Japan in Los Angeles - Goodwill Series X.

Our American team included Goeff Jenkins, Jason Kendall and Nomar, Japan included H.Matsui
and Korea included Chan Ho Park. The Dodgers signed Park because of these Goodwill games.

Fact: 98% of the Korea students can "read and write".

Fact: "If a high school baseball does not continue to play baseball professionally, in college or Industrial league he is drafted into the Army for two years".

Our pro scouts watched a Korean High School game in Seoul in 1994. A HS Korean player made an error and a few minutes later, he was climbing a hill carrying a 50 pound pack.

Our American players and coaches are competing
with this discpline.

Several years ago in Adelaide, South Australia, a former Major league pitcher Shane Bennett request
a meeting of our players. I said OK!

He spoke to our hitters and told each one how the Aussie pitchers were "getting them out!"

One American didn't listen and he went 0-17

When you mentioned the USA'14' winning a "GOLD".
The USA Coach is Carl Nichols, former ML catcher and our American team coach to China and Australia in 2006 and 2007.

"International Baseball is a different game".
Only a few American players can compete at this level.

Bob Williams
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