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I have a 2016 son who is committed to a D1 private school.  Initially he received a scholarship offer, but after looking at our finances and the fact we have an older daughter attending USC, the coaches and financial aid department realized he would qualify for much more money his freshman year on financial aid (thus rendering him "preferred walk-on" status), then switching to athletic scholarship for his sophomore year on.  My question is his high school has asked him to participate with other athletes who are signing their letters of intent on November 12th.  He doesn't want to divulge all the details of his deal to coaches or administrators at the school, but the bottom line is he has no LOI to sign.  Is there something else athletes can sign in order to participate and receive recognition in this somewhat milestone event?  He has looked forward to this for years and I hate to see him step aside and not participate.  Any suggestions?

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Not sure I can answer your question other than have him sign a blank sheet of paper.  I was wondering how financial aid crowds out athletic money for year 1 but not for subsequent years (thought financial aid pretty much went all four years unless perhaps your daughter graduates).  Does the conference provide four year guaranteed scholarships and how does the commitment for athletic money beginning in year #2 get communicated?

Originally Posted by 2017LHPscrewball:

Not sure I can answer your question other than have him sign a blank sheet of paper.  I was wondering how financial aid crowds out athletic money for year 1 but not for subsequent years (thought financial aid pretty much went all four years unless perhaps your daughter graduates).  Does the conference provide four year guaranteed scholarships and how does the commitment for athletic money beginning in year #2 get communicated?

Yes our older daughter will graduate from USC May 2017, so financial aid is only advantageous for one year as we pass the EFC threshold.  There is no guarantee for athletic scholarship successive years, anymore than for any other athlete there.  This school does not offer 4 year guarantees.  The renewal of your athletic scholarship is based solely on performance and contribution, so he will take his chances just the same as if on athletic scholarship year one.

This is a celebration of your son's achievements not about money.  He should feel right at home signing a blank piece of paper or a picture of just doesn't matter. 


My son's D1 college doesn't have athletic scholarships yet his high school was more than happy to accommodate his signing celebration on a blank piece of paper for the newspaper and local media.   


Congrats and good luck!

Originally Posted by JCG:
Originally Posted by USC mom:
The renewal of your athletic scholarship is based solely on performance and contribution, so he will take his chances just the same as if on athletic scholarship year one.

I think you may have received wrong information about that.

I'm not looking to argue specifics with anyone.  Don't have time for it.  I will say, from personal knowledge, a good family friend, class of 2014, who is attending a PAC-12 school for baseball, and received an 86% athletic scholarship.  That amount was reduced year 2 based on performance his freshman year.  There is a deadline the school has to notify the athlete of the reduction in scholarship amount, thus allowing them the proper channels to appeal it.  My understanding is guaranteeing a 4 year athletic scholarship is an OPTION, but not a requirement by the schools.

I can only presume that financial aid met 100% of the cost, otherwise he could be granted athletic scholarship money up to the 100% level.  I think the signing thing may be a little tricky if in fact you do not want the high school coaches/administration to be aware of the absence of a NLI along with the Financial Aid form (forget the exact name of this document).  Just make sure everyone is good on the cost year #2 assuming no athletic monies become available.  Good luck!

Looks like NLI day one is November 11th and final signing date is November 18th.  If the school is shooting for the 12th, then perhaps you could pass this off as some final minute number crunching between the university (possibly finalizing academic monies) and the athletic department whereas the athletic department is holding off so as not to overcommit scholarship funds - and therefore no actual documents available on the 12th - but happy to participate with blank paper.  Sound plausible?

Just an FYI, we went to my sons NLI signing ceremony at his HS last year. I ran up there making sure I had all documents for him to sign. At the table was a folder a pen and a blank piece of paper for all of them to sign as the newspaper and family were snapping pics. He signed his real NLI at my kitchen table. His travel team then also had a fake signing lol. So you may not have to divulge anything.

Have a fake signing.  We had to do the same for a kid I mentored for the Air Force Academy the past year.  He was a swim recruit, and Service Academies don't really do a LOI either.


Nobody needs to know your business.  The college coach understands, maybe he can provide something to assist.


Also, when a player can get other funds that can exceed the allotted scholarship money from the total 11.7 the coach is handing out, it's valuable to the coach to have that new leverage to recruit more players.  


Last edited by Gov

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