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As you all know, I was once an assistant coach to the legendary Tom Pile at Edwardsville. Simply put, we won a heck of a lot of games. Moto, as we called him, was a great game coach. However, he taught so much more than just the game of baseball. One of the lesson I learned early on was to keep "Letters of Success." I wanted to pass this on to all here.

Moto advised me to take letters from students, friends, and players and tuck them away in my "files." I've done so for over 20 years. Therefore, I constantly open up a file on say "The Gilded Age" and find some letter or momento and open it up. Sometimes it is tragic. I have a letter from a student written to me after his Mom and Dad deserted him. We were able to get a local church to step in and give him a place to stay. That letter about his life brings tears every time I read it. I have great stories about success such as a personal letter from Matt Evers. Matt hit a grandslam in 1998 to help us win at state. He talks about the extra BP, the team etc.

I was organizing my classroom as we end our 3rd quarter to prepare for that last quarter of school. I came across an empty folder and so, I opened it. Yes, another letter was inside. I read the letter to the class and you could hear a pin drop. Life happens to all of us. They were touched. That letter writer has touch a new generation of kids.

Please, take those letters of success. Put them away in files etc. When you find one, hide it again. Make a file at home and at work. Have it contain letters that inspire and help you when you are at your lowest low or help demonstrate that you do matter. JMHO!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Ther great thing is when they stay in touch after they leave you---it means you have touched them in some small way

I get a kick out of seeing all the kids who become captains of their college teams---to me that means more than All American Honors---being named Captain emans they have become mature young men
I agree with both of you. The letter I read/discovered today was about what it takes to really be good. It talked about all of the adversity people go through and how sometimes you just want to quit. However, somehow you draw from those around you and make it through. This person said that he once got to our practice an hour early just to be there. Kind of shows what became the support system in his life.

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