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Originally posted by coach2709:
Baseball isn't a spectacle, it's an honor to play the game. Other sports used to be but they sold their soul to look like a fool.

Yup. I used to love all sports at all levels but the showmanship, rehearsed celebrations and "all about me" atmoshpere of today's NBA and NFL have turned me off to those sports at that level. So, several years ago, I switched my focus to college (and below) for those sports. Now, we're seeing that strutty, cocky, selfish rehearsed **** filter down heavily to college levels in football and basketball (D1 anyway). Baseball still maintains a fairly high level of "pure sport" at all levels. It still has the code.

I love to see the raw emotion and fire of sport but it should be real - not rehearsed. And, an emotional celebration should be linked to an event that boosts the team, not just the individual. Fist pumps and yells are usually good natural reactions. Stopping and posing or crossing arms with fingers pointed to the sky - not so much. That's the bottom line for me. JMO. I know that some of this is generational.

Now, I don't have a problem with stuff like the practiced handshakes among teammates in the dugout - part of team bonding and not done in a manner that shows up the opponent.

As far as the Little Leaguer goes...
I love watching the LL events this time of year. Talk about raw emotion and pure sport. Do I think that was raw emotion by this particular kid? Nope. But, fortunately, this type of reaction has been, by far, the exception as compared to genuine excitement, celebration, concentration, focus, dissappointment, heartache, jubilation, etc. that make sports (particularly this event) so great.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Originally posted by AntzDad:
I like Ryan Howard, but if I were pitching to him, I wouldn't wait for him to finish his little ceremony before each pitch. It looks pretty dumb when a kid does that.

(When I was growing up, it was the Willie Stargell.)

Above is an example why it's ok for a pitcher to fist pump.
They have to stand there, watch the guy put the stick between his legs, fix his gloves, adjust his helmet, adjust the cup in crotch all while waiting to throw one pitch, and sometimes they have to watch the same guy do it 2 or 3 times an up at bat!
If the pitcher gets the batter out, you know the fist pump is coming.
Originally posted by Low Finish:
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Derek Jeter plays the right way.

Cal Ripken Jr. played the right way.

So do Chase Utley, David Wright, Dustin Pedroia, and a slew of others. Unfortunately, they don't get as much air time as others because they don't stare down home runs or stroll around the bases.

Right it makes for good tv.. compared to other sports many people find baseball boring... fights ,pimping etc adds drama which draws LOVEs it
Last edited by njbb

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