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i havent really read much of this folder, but i run about 3 miles 2-3 time per week, and on top of that we run a lot of sprints at basketball practice, 15 is about average, i do lunges, leg extensions, calf raises, jump rope, bar jumps, squat jumps, and many other leg workouts on top of upper body and core workouts. My last recorded 60 at a camp was 8.0, and im 6-1 165, i do all this work but i dont see much improvement,
My question is, am i doing my running/training right???

Read through this thread as you will get some answers that have already been given. I posted early in the thread about some of the things my sons have done. Oldest one now runs in the high 6.3's on grass in spikes at age 19. Track type workouts work the best along with a weight workout that is geared toward building core strength and explosiveness. But a track or speed coach can help you with many little things that can cut off multiple tenths of a second.
I certainly am no expert on sprinting, however, I taught my 15 yr old son some form and techniques I found just searching the internet. Mainly, first step is the left leg, load the right arm, slightly curl your fingers, and try to run on front of feet, and don't let teeth touch (keep mouth relaxed). This alone with only a couple workouts his times were..August 2010, 7.84 and 7.76, November 7.57 and 7.43 then last week 7.32. Seemingly, small changes in technique can help alot. All times were on grass in spikes. The 7.8. 7.7 and 7.3 were laser timed. Good Luck.
Last edited by 2013 Dad
PGStaff's document is good stuff. I had my class of 2012 son show me his "usual" stance and there were so many little corrections to make. Smile

He is practicing his starts every day and he has a camp at his "dream school" in a couple weeks. He plays OF and has consistently run a 6.9. It will be interesting to see if he lowers that a little.

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