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When we first signed our boys up for t-ball, it was not so that someday they would be MLB stars, or even for a college scholarship.  We signed them up then so that they would gain some athletic ability, learn to win & lose with grace, gain a sense of sportsmanship and learn to be part of a team.  We went to practice when it was freezing and games in the scorching heat so that they would improve in those areas.  Now, that they love the game and show some promise, their hopes are to keep playing beyond high school.  My hopes still lie in the original reasons we started them in the game and always will.  I may sit in a stadium someday and watch them play in the world series, but as their mom I still expect grace & sportsmanship & being a team player to be foremost.


I cannot believe that those things would benefit from flying all over the country playing on teams you really don't know and winning trophies that don't have the work behind them.

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