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Mike Epstein, an internationally renowned hitting instructor, is coming to north Texas for a three-day hitting instructional clinic.

Friday, November 10
(only $10 per person)Two hour Power Point Presentation on Proper Hitting Mechanics

Saturday/Sunday( Nov. 11th/12th)
Two different hands on hitting intensive clinics (each day)

or call 817-798-1173 for more info.
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Originally posted by Martini:
Apparently this thread was being used to hurt hitters.

I disagree with that purpose.

I'm refering them to Houston where a knowledgeable hitting person lives.


Take a deep breath - get a grip - and focus on contributing to the site.

The above quote isnt a contribution - its cyber garbage. And garbage gets swept.

"Mike played for me for three years when I managed the Washington Senators. He was always a keen student of hitting. I see Mike frequently and have parried batting technique and theory with him — both the physical and mental sides — on many of those occasions.

I'm a tough guy to please and impress, but I believe Mike comprehends and teaches the science of proper hitting as skillfully as anyone I have run across in all my years of baseball."

Ted Williams
Blue- if you are serious (that Martini and Cheese are same person) that is quite sad... since when does somebody's life take such a poor path that they have to have more than one screenname to make a point on a website??

His mom would be so proud of him...

Cheesy-Martini, I don't think FWCat is trying to do something that is going to diminish anything you believe.. I think he is just passing on info for an upcoming event... how could that bother you so much?
What some of these posters and former posters are referring to is that a former member of a noted baseball organization not to be mentioned on this site, who is also now on his own and with his own website, lives in Houston.

I know this, I'd certainly look this person up if I lived in the Houston area. Of course, I'm not mentioning his name since that in and of it self would cause further arguments and get people, even I, in hot water. LOL! (Don't you love the mystery? Maybe after this mysterious post, you'll discover who this person is and look him up.)
Last edited by CoachB25
Is there something wrong with saying Steve Englishbey's name on this site? I have read a lot of threads here and I don't recall that ever being banned. I'm not saying you drop everything you're doing and jump a plane to Houston, but what's with all the mystery. Names are mentioned and websites are even given in this thread. There's a lot of good information and a lot of good hitting instructors out there. It's up to the individual to find out what their all about.

Like I tell people when they are looking for a good dog trainer or asking about my methods, "If something about it doesn't feel right to you don't do it". Find someone who can show you the results you're looking for using methods you're comfortable with and run with it.


Tim, I am unsure that Steve is either comfortable or uncomfortable with his name here. I do know that his former associates were very uncomfortable and didn't want their names to come up. As you may know, Steve is a great guy and has gone out of his way to help many, including myself, out and so, I posted my previous post in this manner first knowing that most posters would know who it was and secondly because I wouldn't want to offend Steve if he didn't want his name on this site.

I have talked to Steve, know he reads this site once in a great while and have informed him that I moderate on this site should he find anything offensive. In doing so, I wanted to relieve some of the burden MN Mom might have to go through in checking out the hitting forum.
Last edited by CoachB25
Duly noted Coach. Please note that I merely offered the name. It's was not a recommendation, because none was asked for. That's where I think it can cross the line. If someone like Steve or anyone else wants to come on here and offer suggestions or input or even ask if he can offer information about his services I think that's fine. It's not my place to do that for him or anyone else. I can state my opinions on how a certain instructors methods have worked for me personally or the kids I coach, but to use that persons name to win an argument or start one is doing them a disservice. The same goes for blasting the methods used by other instructors or coaches out there anonimously just because you disagree with their methods. I think folks need to do their own research and find the best information available. Forums like this one are a great place to start. Then they can choose what to put into practice.

These forums are what they are. Public, in every sense of the word. I have found this forum to be the least littered by nonsense of all the public BB forums I have visited. You guys do a great job and most here seem to consistently offer their honest opinions without trying to hide from anything.

That being said, what is the value of someone's position if that person will not use their name in a public forum. I understand the online privacy thing, but I think you probably get what I mean. If a guy comes to a business meeting and claims to have the knowledge to take your company to the next level, but will not offer a name or any credentials, how can you take that person seriously. Imagine that person walking out of the room and then right back in with the same argument, but this time telling you he is someone else. That's just sick!! I believe the folks who have something of value to offer here are as easy to spot as those who simply want to stir the pot anonimously. You learn very quickly how to ignore thier posts as long as no one fans the flames. Take in the information on forums like this, do the work needed to research it and find out if it is valid. Again, JMVHO.

By the way, my boy was knocking the cover off the ball last night. It hit him like a bolt of lightning. It's lik ehe put it together all at once and finally understood that although it may not be extremely comfortable at first, tilt in the spine, proper posture, strong rotation, and good connection can improve power. A lot!! That is also my opinion and not meant to say it is the only way to get results. The smile on his face was my reward. His was having all his buddies standing next to the fence going nuts!! He ran over to me after BP and just said, "Dad, that was crazy!!" It was.

Last edited by deaconspoint

I talked to Steve today and he knew that his name was mentioned. Essentially he doesn't mind at all and truly loves baseball. He is a great guy and only ask that people not speak for him. Naturally, his beliefts, drills,... constitute his business. I accept and appreciate that he isn't going to "give that away for free."


I have used all the hitting gurus info and found usefulness in some of all of it.

Where I fell short could be where I failed to understand.

I have said things that people did not understand and received criticism. They later got it and found it useful. That is all part of it. Some still don't feel it or get it and use different thoughts, cues, and methods

Where would we be without this medium to exchange ideas?
Last edited by swingbuster

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