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Yeah I asked McCarver for the time once and you're right skipper, he launched into a whole complex set of instructions on how to build a rudimentary watch of sorts. I have to give him credit...he sized up my watch making ability quite quickly.

I kinda' lost him after he described the cup, the lid, and the straw...

...this is what I came up with. I was banking on using it to keep track of the time so I could watch the game last night. It kept falling off my wrist and after the sun went down it got so dark I couldn't find the darn thing!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
I seem to remember a thread about whether instant replay should be used in baseball. More than what it is.

It seems that many calls are reversed in football that have a direct bearing on the outcome.

If instant replay were used last night... would we possibly have a different division champion? Would that be a good or bad thing?

If it was like football and you had to have irrefutable proof to overturn the umpires call... wouldn't that stop action dent in Inge's jersey with the ball in the center have been pretty obvious proof that the call should be changed?

Anyway, it was a great game, one of the most interesting in years.
Would that be a good or bad thing?

PG - good question.

It (instant replay) would be a very bad thing imho. Instant replay has the potential to destroy the game imo. I am basing my opinion on what I see in football. Football is a great game that is getting boring imo because of replay. It seems like we are constantly going to advertisements waiting for booth review. I believe flow of a game is much more important than perfection. Nobody is perfect - players, managers, or umpires. I am perfectly willing to trust the umpires right or wrong. If they ever bring football style review to baseball, it could devastate the game imho.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally posted by Homerun04:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Wayne:
Wish I'd known this was being broadcast on TBS. MLB didn't do a good job of getting the word out on that one, I checked the ESPN channels and then gave up.

Well Wayne, you just needed to check here, ClevelandDad was all over it! That is how I knew about it

I missed most of the game on TV also because I didn't know it was on TBS! I had been following live stats on computer, but caught the last three exciting innings on TV. Good good stuff!! Even though I'm a Tiger's Fan.... I'll be a Twin's fan at this point. Smile
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I seem to remember a thread about whether instant replay should be used in baseball. More than what it is.

It seems that many calls are reversed in football that have a direct bearing on the outcome.

If instant replay were used last night... would we possibly have a different division champion? Would that be a good or bad thing?

If it was like football and you had to have irrefutable proof to overturn the umpires call... wouldn't that stop action dent in Inge's jersey with the ball in the center have been pretty obvious proof that the call should be changed?

Anyway, it was a great game, one of the most interesting in years.

I think this is a great question. I tend to believe that when it's "my" team missing out on an opportunity due to a bad call, I think replay might be a good idea! When it's the other team that's on the receiving end of a bad call.... well, that's baseball!

Honestly, I don't know how I feel. I'm a huge believer that a game is never "one play". You have to put yourself up by enough runs that one play or one pitch doesn't make a game. You look at last night's game though... and I should like to know what would have happened had Inge gotten that call.
CD and 04, you're right. I should've known to look on here, somebody would know what was going on. Just sad proof that ESPN has me so brainwashed that I assume if they're not covering it, it must not be on.
As far as Ron Darling, am I the only one that thinks he sounds exactly like Christopher Walken?
Sorry Midlo, but I'm with redsox on this one. I am definitely not a Ron Darling fan. He is an analyst who goes out of his way to be totally non-critical as was evident of his compliments aimed at Randy Marsh. This home plate ump, IMO, did a poor job behind the plate. He started out with his ususal and expected very tight zone, but from the 7th inning on he started expanding the zone and batters were clearly confused. You must remain consistent, which is what I've always heard about umpires.

Now, this is not my Cub fan bias, but if you get a chance to listen to Bob Brenley doing color on the Cards-LA game, I think you'll be very impressed. He will get another chance to manage soon, and I hope it's 2011 with the Cubs.

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