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This doesn't make good sense. Reebok's contract is with the NFL not the individual players. What if a player gets traded? If Chad Johnson gets traded would he have to pay for his old jersey's? The trade deadline is 10/16. What if a player had a religious conversion? What if a player gets married and changes his name?

Appears to be some selective enforcement. Reebok raised a stink about coaches wearing suits but Belichik wears those rags in New England. If the NFLPA was as strong as the MLBPA this would never happen. Look what happens after baseball trades.

I also like the fact that Johnson seems to have some fun with the game, which the NFL seems to abhor.
NFL = No Fun League

I think the NFL is way too heavy handed in many of their dealings. However, I would guess that there is some type of agreement between the NFLPA and Reebok. I believe the MLBPA has some agreements with various companies regarding their products (video games for sure, but I would guess memorabilia as well). This is why Barry Bonds wasn't in any of the video games- he wasn't a member of the player's association, so the deals they made on behalf of the players didn't include him. I would guess there is some similar agreement in the NFL, and this may be the reason Johnson is bound by the rules here.
What if he kept the C Johnson jersey for the season, but hooked up with a rival manufacturer to produce a brown/orange/white without any Bangles logo stuff and the name Ocho Cinco across the back?

Isn't this the guy who diapered the football after a touchdown? I love that stuff. And it can't be considered taunting. Disrespecting the game perhaps, but isn't that more of a baseball no no than in other sports?
Last edited by infidel_08

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