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My son's high school sent his transcript to the NCAA on June 19. I kept checking the website and it said the transcript had not been received. When I called the NCAA, I was told that they would not say they had received it until the information was entered into the computer system. As of Friday, it now says the transcript has been received, but as of yet he has not been certified. Does anyone know how long this final process takes? Thanks!
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Unless you feel that there might be a problem, you can go to school and request an officcial transcript to be sent asap to the schools registrar. In fact they will put it in an envelope and you can sent it anyway you wish. All the school needs is to see he has graduated at this point (for final certification) unless there had been a credit issue.
We were advised to do this as soon as he graduated, due to baglog in certs 4 years ago. The clearinghouse has gotten much better.
Thanks for the advice. His college has already received his final transcript and all is well on that end. It's just the NCAA certification that is the hold-up. They noted that they had received son's transcript as of last weekend, but 3 business days later, they still have not entered in his senior courses which would qualify him. I'll give the NCAA until the end of the week and then try to contact them again.
Last edited by Infield08
TPM says things have gotten much better, so I'm probably making you worry for nothing. Back when my son (three years ago) graduated, his transcript was mailed by the HS in early June. I can't even remember when it finally showed up as being received by the clearinghouse, but it was quite some time. Then it wasn't until a coach called that wanted the info that it was completely processed and he was cleared and that was in August sometime. It ultimately didn't matter to him because he was going to a JUCO, but there was still a sense of nervousness that we wanted to know for sure that he was NCAA eligible to plan for the future.

I hope it is better now. Smile
Were in the same boat 08. It says they have recieved the official transcript. It says "preliminary" on the website. Its been over a week since they got the official final transcript. The school has already said his is good. But the clearinghouse is taking there time it seems. I am going to make a call if it is not updated on the website soon.
Originally posted by TRhit:

Official transcripts must come from the HS not the parent

I was given my son's official transcript (2), special seal with school envelope and sent it out myself, next day delivery to the Clearinghouse and registrar's office at his school.
It was accepted.
Same story here - they have transcript on file, but because a college coach isn't asking for it, they probably are letting it sit. My son is going JC, but the JC advised him strongly to get the clearinghouse situation cared for now reahter than next year or the year after.
If you call, get yourself a cup of coffee and be prepared for a wait. I was on hold for about 20 - 25 minutes before I couldn't hang around any longer.
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by TRhit:

Official transcripts must come from the HS not the parent

I was given my son's official transcript (2), special seal with school envelope and sent it out myself, next day delivery to the Clearinghouse and registrar's office at his school.
It was accepted.

TPM, that happened at my son's school sometimes as well. While they mailed the one directly to the Clearinghouse, we mailed several to schools that had requested them directly. They came with a wax seal and stamped "official transcript" on the envelope.
I was given my son's official transcript (2), special seal with school envelope and sent it out myself, next day delivery to the Clearinghouse and registrar's office at his school.

..... we mailed several to schools that had requested them directly. They came with a wax seal and stamped "official transcript" on the envelope.

Us too. Smile
I'd say do it in the fall of the Junior year for a couple of reasons:

1) It allows you to double check that your son is going to be a qualifier - and that all classes are listed on the website. In my son's case, World History was listed - but the school had added an AP World History class that was not - so he would not have gotten credit for the more difficult class had we not pointed this out to administration. BTW - it took nearly a year for that class to be added.

2) You will be amazed at how much has to get done in the fall of the senior year - why not cross one thing off the list.

Although parameters have changed for courses since son was in HS, I strongly suggest getting in your son's transcript the summer before his junior year, despite what the guidance counselor or AD suggests (especially if he wants to play Div 1 ball). Also, if you live in a state that gives hope type scholarships, you should know what requirements are needed. Being able to receiving state money always makes you more attractive to some coaches who have to watch their budgets.
My son had fulfilled most of his requirements going into his senior year. Because he was on a fast track in HS with honor courses, he had enough credits, but only needed one course. This allowed him to ease off his senior season.
Take a 360 degree turn, if your son is struggling a bit in HS, he needs to know asap what's needed sooner than later.
And I might add, do it even if you think your kid might be heading to a JUCO. becuase if you have all the classes, sat scores and NCAA clearinghouse then you become a qualifier and only have to have 48 units to transfer and not 60. Also many qualifiers sometimes get picked up after just one year in a juco. I noticed my sons speeded up after a D1 coach checked on it. good luck ,we only have a few more weeks until school starts.
Originally posted by baseballtoday:
Also many qualifiers sometimes get picked up after just one year in a juco.

I thought when you went to JUCO you couldnt transfer to a 4 year until you had your AA.

Is that not the case??

Only if you're a non qualifer. If you're a NCAA qualifer, you can transfer after one year. You still have to have a minimum amount of TRANSFERABLE credits for that year.

Otherwise you're talking about the required amount of credits and the Assoc degree.

for instance my son is going straight to a JUCO in Ca. Because he took all the core classes in HS that are required to play college ball with the NCAA. Core classes are listed on NCAA site. Because he has SAT scores, becasue he had a certain GPA and is registered with clearinghouse he only has to have 48 units to transfer.He is called a QUALIFIER.Ohter players who did not meet these requirements have to have 60 units.Also some players if they have qualified sometimes get picked up after one year as long as they took all transferable units.
I am pretty sure the only players that have to have a AA are ones that left a D1 school and went to a JUCO.
Any other player going to a juco, or JC has to have 60 transferable units but not necessarily a AA.
Although 60 units would get you and AA, with CA. JCs you have to be very careful becasue a student could get his AA and not have enough transferable credits.
we are going off the IGETSCE form that has untis that transfer to any UC or state school and most privates. Ive read the rules and talked to several JC coaches and counselors and am pretty def. I am correct with the info just given.
Originally posted by fanofgame:
lafmom: we were posting at the same time but basically saying the same thing. thanks

Smile Yes we did.

Your son would only need the 48 though if he stayed two years. As a qualifer, he can leave after one year with 24. As you said they have to be credit hours that will actually transfer though. Smile
Son sent info in fall of son's junior year. Final transcript was sent June 1. All it ever said until July (he's an 08) was that they had all the documents needed. I don't think they really take action until a coach calls checking on the kid. I think they are so back logged that they don't actually certify a kid until they know there is a college that needs to know if he's certified. It has just been in the last few weeks (he's going DI) that it actually said he was certified. It is good to get it out of the way as far as sending it all in, and you can fill out a form for your counselor to send the final one way before graduation, but I don't think you will get any info as far as credits etc. from them until July. You can go into the Clearinghouse info and figure out for yourself if your son is taking the correct classes.
I don't know if you have received word on final certification yet, but this can be a slow process for baseball players especially as you get into the later summer months. Because football's season is quickly approaching, their players get priority.

On another note, you really don't need to register for the clearinghouse until the summer after your junior season. Even that is fairly early. It's more important to know the qualifying standards for NCAA athletics. You really need to pay attention to that as soon as you enter high school.

Hope this helps.

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