Hi, All. I'm going to probably need some help in helping Junior if anyone who has experience with the NCAA Eligibility Center is willing to maybe give some direction.
I'll just give some history first. During the spring last year as a sophomore, junior was told that he was a D3 prospect at one of the universities that he attended a camp.He's one of those players that plays everywhere if he's asked but his primary high school position is SS. He gets a lot of interest from D1 and D2 institutions and even many D3's but he wants to try to contact as many D1's and D2's that he can although he's fine with D3 too. We just have to get the paper stuff under contriol, I think...think.Or at least comfortably under control.
The reason I need some help here is that his high school baseball coach isn't a school employee so he doesn't do the NCAA eligibility thing I don't think. They have a sign in for school admin but he isn't one. I don't know that the athletic director would be helpful but will ask next week sometime.
Anyhow...the reason I'm looking for help is that I see that there is a box on the NCAA Eligibility Center that says two things.
The first thing it says is:
Division I
Academic Status
Decision not yet available
Amateur status
Pending Review
It then repeats the same lines for the Division II column. If I click on "Decision Not Yet Available" in either DivI or Div II column I get a form saying that the NCAA hasn't received his transcripts from the school and then a whole form addressing core courses and test scores.
Alternatively, if I click on the "pending review" link in both Div I and Div II column I get a message saying that "your status needs further review by the amateurism certification staff.
So, I guess my question is do I have to do something to get this to the NCAA or is it something i have to have the athletic director do. Junior is now a Junuior and will be a senior next year so want to get on top of this and learn what we need to do.
Maybe I have to send this stuff the the collegeboard web site? He did just take his SAT's last week.
Thanks for any input and sorry if I'm maybe expecting something from the coaches and AD that I should be doing but as I said, We're just kind of learning this stuff as we go.
Here's his berecruited page.He's got a NCAA ID so I think he's atleast started right. http://new.berecruited.com/athletes/1527616