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I have decided to start a 16U team in Florida for the summer. The AD is telling me that since my son goes to his school I am affiliated with that school so any kid that tries to go to that school next year will be ineligible. Is this right? I tried to call the FHSAA and they have told me to talk to the AD, I did as the above paragraph spells out.
We are playing in a tournament starting tomorrow night I don't want to screw any kids can someone give me a rule reference to use to confirm or deny the ADs claims.
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Are you a coach at the school your son attends? Are you concerned about members of your 16U team who would enter the school as freshmen or as transfers?

2Bmom has pointed out short version of the rule for tranferring students. The key is in the definition of "affiliated with". My opinion is worth nothing here, but unless you are a coach at or on the staff of a high school, it is hard for me to see how your team is affiliated with the high school.

In California, we have a similar rule, but there are waiver possibilities. It is necessary to read the actual rules, rather than a summary, in order to really understand them.
Florida Handbook page

See 11.4.12 in the Bylaws.

Here is a relevant quote:
A team affiliated with the school is one that is organized by and/or coached by any member of the coaching staff at, or any other person affiliated with, that school; and/or on which the majority of the members of the team (participants in practice and/or competition) are students who attend that school.

My opinion (still worth nothing, but at least informed by a similar rule in California) is: a parent of a student is not, by that relationship, affiliated with the school. So there shouldn't be a problem if you don't coach or work at a high school, and if you don't have a majority of the team from the same high school.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove

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