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I know that this question should be located in the Showcase forum, but thought more people might see it here. Son is currently at a 2-day college-sponsored showcase with dad, and dad called very frustrated about Day 1. The participants are divided into teams, with some teams having 2 middle-infielders and son's team having a whopping 6. He's only gotten 2 innings to field, with no balls coming to him one inning, whereas another player has gotten 6 innings. At one point, son and other player both ran to the shortstop position, and other player refused to back down, so son finally left the field. I asked my husband where the coach was during all this and he said that the coach was paying no attention at all. Tomorrow morning, should husband or son talk to the coach before it starts? If so, what should be said? This college ran an excellent showcase last year when son attended. Not sure what's going on this time around.
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Although my son is not yet in college but still Highschool, I have seen this happen to my son as well. I believe that in the absence of coaches taking charge I would encourage my son to hold his ground and not back down if the two of hem run out to shortstop next time. Make the coach take charge, and let the coach know by this action that this is where your son expects to play and be seen.
Don’t know why things ended up where they did but your son is not getting a fair shake. I don’t know if this is the result of poor planning, someone else’s greed, or he may be a victims of circumstances. I’m with TPM. I would cut my losses and just ask for my money back. Since the “cost” of a showcase is much more that just the entry fee, I would also write a letter (or email) to the showcase director and request another showcase at no charge. The business side of showcasing sometimes forces the showcases to recruits too many participants and their ability to deliver favorable results are reduced and incidents of this nature will surface. If this showcase is a reputable business and the director is business savvy, then your request should be considered. Looking at showcases from a business perspective, one can readily understand how they tend to “over recruit” because volume (attendees) impacts the bottom line and the bottom line is every business owner’s main concern. Showcasing is an integral part of the recruiting cycle and we parents need to understand we are the consumer here and if our needs aren’t met then their “business” will suffer.
Although I have not been to a showcase, I have obviously (as all of us have) been in situations where we are playing for someone we despise. I NEVER let my parents or anyone speak to/about any of these coaches on my behalf because I think I should be able to speak for myself. And if talking to the coach does not work out well, I would have the kid himself write the letter that is being spoken of to the director and just say "my parents and I feel that..." because I do understand that "politically", the parents are the ones with the influence.
Junior had a similar experience with first showcase, his team coached by a college freshman..after day 1, I suggested he speak with the coach - he fille dhim with a bunch of BS, so I had my turn. One MIF played 12 of 14 innings at MIF position..junior got 2 with 2 more innings in left field!! Second day was a little better - pays to speak up before it's over, IMHO

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