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When I saw the category "occupation" I immediately thought of posting something that could be occupied. Upon looking for such an image I came across the following. Is this what happens after travel parents eat at the concession stand all weekend?

All twisted humor aside, I spent years in sales and management at the corporate and entrepeneurial level of software and systems sales. When I got tired of the travel I got my insurance license (specialize in small business and sole proprietor health insurance) and also do some business consulting.

Go figure! I left the corporate world because I was better at calling it as I saw it instead of saying what people wanted to hear.
longitude and latitude is somewhere between Plainview and Stratford, TX(NW Texas close to OK)

My motto is like your's threeboysdad. I consider myself "just a grain of sand on all the beaches on the planet Earth".

no11, it would be an honor to mediate if it pays good. Smile (That means lots more than travel expenses)

I'm 15 and my job is having fun and playing baseball... ok you caught me, my life is playing baseball.

My mom raises my brother and I, and my dad is a patent attorney.

Why I decided to write about them is to brag to everyone how great they are. They are encouraging and supporting of me no matter what. The amount of love they have for me is amazing. I am very very lucky to have such great and supportive parents.

Sorry, I just wanted to share how lucky I am.
Originally posted by CRadlo:
I'm 15 and my job is having fun and playing baseball... ok you caught me, my life is playing baseball.

My mom raises my brother and I, and my dad is a patent attorney.

Why I decided to write about them is to brag to everyone how great they are. They are encouraging and supporting of me no matter what. The amount of love they have for me is amazing. I am very very lucky to have such great and supportive parents.

Sorry, I just wanted to share how lucky I am.

I hope that your parents are able to see this post! You're a thoughtful kid! Smile
Worked in NYC construction industry as partner with my dad in Concrete construction firm---while doing this dabbled in music industry as performer/writer /producer

Closed company when dad and othe rpartner retired--went to work as Project Manager for a Major developer in Westchester County

Retired at the turn of the century and now dabble in baseball to maintain my sanity
AK I hope you are still here. I am moving to Anchorage. I have one son in college playing ball and the other is 14 son to be 15 in Feb. I know you are more of the college pro guru but do you have any contacts or know how I can get my son a tryout on a travel team. I come from AZ and he plays up here. He is 180 , 5'9" and Pitches, catches, plays 1st and middle infield. Coming in as a freshman this year I believe he will be primary middle inf., pitcher and 1st base. any help you can give would be great. 15U team or 16U
As a Univ of WI employee I work on accumulating State imposed furlough days, currently 8 a year with the new governors threat of increasing it to 24 a year. While it does hit the wallet, I look at it as a way to ease into retirement.

Don't sweat the little losses because the glass is always at least half full.

During those furlough days I research ways to pass the "Bucky" avatar on to my HSBBW buddy from Iowa Big Grin
Last edited by rz1

    "What kind of Commies you got up there in Cheeseland?!?!"

Well, let's have a look see...

    Circassian cheese Commie. A crumbly non-melting fresh cheese Commie who lives in the North Caucasus, Madison,WI, or some smoky commune in Dane Co. within a short, yet arduous, coast to the city in an overloaded Trabant©.

    Tvorok (творог) cheese Commie. A quark-type cheese Commie somewhat similar to cottage cheese or ricotta. Think Политбюро (Politburo) cellulite.

    Rossiyski cheese Commie. Similar to German Tilsiter. Enough said.

Questions? Ask Vladimir "The творог" Putin...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
"What kind of Commies you got up there in Cheeseland?!?!"

True story...

As a young kid I had some issues when saying certain letters.

My Dad had an Aunt and Uncle named Connie and Ed. He used to bust out in tearful laughter when ever I talked about "Commie and Red". Years later I found out Connie and Ed were closet Socialists.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

    "As a young kid I had some issues when saying certain letters."

Now, much later in life, what are your issues? We're all anxiously sitting on the edge of our seat!

Most would probably agree that saying what's on my mind, or more directly not keeping my mouth shut is my biggest fault. However, I was taught if you're not honest and express your thoughts your head will blow up.
Last edited by rz1

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