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the short answer is yes, once he starts his motion from the windup, he may not legally stop while there are runners on base.

To probe the question a little deeper, lets look at what he may do while in the wind up position.

The NFHS rule differs from the NCAA/OBR rules.

NFHS: He may:
1)step off with his pivot foot (right foot for righties and left foot for lefties), thus making him an infielder and removing the restrictions placed on pitchers,


2)deliver the pitch. Once his free foot (left foor for righties and right foot for lefties)begins to move he is obligated to deliver the pitch and any stop at this point is not allowed.

OBR/NCAA: He may:

1)step off with his pivot foot (right foot for righties and left foot for lefties), thus making him an infielder and removing the restrictions placed on pitchers,

2)deliver the pitch. Once he begins his normal motion he is obligated to deliver the ball to the plate and any failure to do so is not allowed,

3)with his free foot step toward and throw to a base in an effort to put out or drive back a runner,


4)with his free foot step toward and feint a throw to second or third base in an effort to put out or drive back a runner.

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