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I've been away for a few days watching my kid play. (Truth) She played in front of scores of college coaches and...(Yawn)... Anyway, I come back and the more things change the more things stay the same. I can't use the "ignore" feature. Some of you need to learn how to use it. This thread has merit in that it involves baseball overseas as a cultual experience. I see good in that and would hope that all of us can see the potential positive impact of such an experience. I coached baseball overseas. The quality was terrible. The rewards great. Of course I didn't do it in Italy and so am ignorant on that country's level of ability. Boorish behavior is often a two way street. The casual observer notices it for what it is and doesn't do any individual good. JMHO! You should see my Russian Baseball Glove. You wouldn't believe it!
Last edited by CoachB25
I can't afford to go to Italy to play baseball and I, too have heard that foreign baseball (Europe and Australia) is weaker competition...our HS kids playing against adults there)

However, if you had the money, how cool would it be to play there and sightsee in some pretty historic places.

I'm learning baseball is a lot more fun if I don't take myself too seriously.
I have several friends who have played in europe. It was interesting but the BB was not very good.
One friend was sent by the Jays to Austria to develop some talent for them. He set up a league and a few guys were sent to my son's midget team a few years ago. They couldn't compete.
2 came here last year to play for my son's senior elite team. The one was Canadian and the other was Austrian. The Austrian hardly got off the bench. The gap was huge. The Canadian is still playing. He was a super star over there. They played all over Europe and he said it was very interesting but once was enough. The guy the Jays sent is now a school teacher in Austria and married to a local girl.

None of my friends paid a nickle to playe over there. The guy in Italy is being paid.
One friend played in Japan and got a million for 2 years plus everything paid for and no tax. Thats a cultural experience.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
The first two games had some older players in the mix. USA team won easily. I am not there, but that is what I have learned via text messages.

The next two games that are to be played are against the 17-U Italian Junior National Team, which presumably are the best players in Italy at that age.

The USA Athletes International Organization attempted to form a team to go to Australia, but there was not enough interest. My son was one of the last to sign on for the Italy trip. It seemed to be a good opportunity and blend of experiences.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
Originally posted by 9-1-3 DP:
It is not Team USA.

It's a team from USA. Huge difference. And to call them Team USA is an insult to Team USA.

Playball2, I'd have to say that I agree as well with this statement. It is not my disdain for any poster but rather the suggestion that this is "Team USA." Do you speak for "Team USA?" If not, how do you know how they feel? What this really involves is a private business who makes a profit by selling these trips any and all baseball players and any marketing plan to promote their business. That is unless this team actually has another name and is being reported in flamboyant fashion. Playball2, you suggest that it doesn't matter and yet, I've been in a similar situation and believe me, it mattered. BTW, as a coach, I'd bet I get these offers from 4 or 5 companies a year to take/coach teams overseas. The personal income from these excursions can be significant. As I type, we have one basketball coach touring Australia with local talent. I'm thinking that they aren't "Team USA."

It is that kind of narrow thought process that can cost a scholarship.

Summer ball is practice and the top coaches have to make a decision about what is best for the player and what is best for the school/team.

Top players that play only summer ball miss being scouted by multiple D1 and D2 school recruiters that flock to major tournaments.

Imo,the decision is easy. The player benefits by playing better competition (in this case a major cultural benefit as well) and the team/school benefits because the coach can look at other players that may have an impact during the regular season.

The summer league playoffs, while important, pale in comparison to a trip to Rimini and the opportunity to play (and beat) the Italian National team.

In the case of OPRF, arguably the top program in the state, the top players are allowed to play up for the summer. They are requested to make themselves available during the playoffs but obvious alternatives such as this are the exception.
This is the kind of posting by Mark that I think is the big problem. You can "sell" your kid all you want and promote him in any way you can, but if the kid reads these posts and listens to his dad (what you want, right?) he is learning one thing for sure.

It isn't a team game and it's all about you and when things don't turn out the way you want, find someone else to blame. Perhaps he could have made a pitch or two after the errors to get out of it? Maybe gotten a K when it was needed? Earned runs, schmearned runs......what ever happened to win as a team, lose as a team?

I can see it now.......yeah, we lost but I only gave up one earned runs so it wasn't my fault.

I've seen some standup guys take the blame when they gave up one run in a 1-0 loss. That's what I want from my kid.

It isn't a team game and it's all about you......what ever happened to win as a team, lose as a team?

I can see it now.......yeah, we lost but I only gave up one earned runs so it wasn't my fault.

Dolphin Mom is not the only one with this problem. I think much of this "showcase" and "travel" stuff has led to A LOT of this. It's all about the individual player and not the team. That's a load of youknowwhat.

Baseball is a team sport. If you don't want to be a part of the team, tennis and track (at least at my high school) are always looking for people. And wrestling too.
Last edited by Bulldog 19
B25 why would USA baseball care if Dolphin mom calls the team from the United States team USA on the HSbaseball Web. I am sure that the Italians refer to the team that way (and no I don't have the authority to speak on behalf of the Italians or the USA program). Lets be honest 9-1-3DP put down kids, we are adults and should be above this. I have seen you edit far less. That comment as I read it was in disdain period. You are the monitor if you feel that Dolphin mom is using the name innappropriately then you as the moderator should address that, but I believe you know it to be different.

9-1-3DP's post had nothing to do with the kids on the team. It had everything to do with the blowhard we all know as Dolphin Mom/Mark Ormond. He continually tries to talk up his son and every minute achievement he accomplishes. His post earlier in the day says it all. Give me a break. He has to highlight that junior pitched the whole game giving up 6 runs but only 1 was earned. It is this kind of subjective reporting that turns my stomach. I'd like to see a box score that supports his claim.

Read Dolphin Mom's posts and if you feel that everyone else on the board is wrong about his intentions then I must come to one of three conclusions. 1) you have a son that played on the same team. 2) you a related to the guy or 3) he got you a job.
Playball2, first I believe that there are issues with property rights of "Team USA." That might be a big enough deal in itself. We just went to watch Team USA's Softball Olympic Team. The marketing of their merchandise must pay for a lot of their goods. I'm betting that the baseball situation is much the same. Again, I'd think that the title has legal protection. As you saw from the jersey, that team isn't called "Team USA" but is only being referenced here as such. Of course one could then make an argument that people could market their kids as playing on "Team USA" and reference this site as proof of such. Not that anyone would do so. The title on that uniform is the name of the company that makes a profit and is a business. It has nothing to do with the USA!

Playball2, I see you are a coach. I asked you if you were ever in a similar situation. I coached the first group of young men to ever play ball in the former Soviet Union. We had the St. Louis Post Dispatch there. We had representative of our government along. We had representative of Rawlings Sportings Goods involved since they wanted to offer their goods in our "Goodwill Tour." This was totally set up by the State Department. We didn't pay a dime. This wasn't a private company selling anything or associated with any "tours." We did great things for diplomacy between our countries and had a great time only to get slapped in the face when Sports Illustrated ran a story about 4 months later on the "First Team" to enter the Soviet Union to play baseball. That group entered as a paid "tour." It did matter. Our "Goodwill Tour" left our kids with their feeling hurt knowing that Sports Illustrated did this huge feature on kids that were not the first ones over there. As dumb as this sounds, I'd think that members of "Team USA" might think that they have earned that title and don't appreciate someone promoting a business enterprise as such. Just a rough guess!

Take care!
Originally posted by soxnole:
So "a pretty good team" from the USA loses to those bumbling 3rd world Italians!

How did that happen? LOLOLOLOL

Are you serious with this question or are you new to the game of baseball?

Give a team 5 runs and it could be a team with half Hellen Kellers and you don't stand a very good chance of winning. I thought that might be common knowledge. I guess I was wrong.

Anyone have a number on how many Italian born players are playing in the big leagues?

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