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My guy was taught to "glide" in an athletic position without a ball or glove on until he began to feel what it was supposed to feel like so he could identify the correct position. So he would need to "run" or move as one would move playing the particular position with his knees bent and his butt down. He did this for some time until he became comfortable with it. It really works the legs hard and they will be strengthened by this drill.

He was taught to learn to take a lot of short steps as he addressed the ball. The shorter steps allow for quicker adjustment due to a unanticipated hop.

I agree that the SS position plays higher than 3rd but still needs to move in an athletic position. Not run upright and than try to get down quickly, often this results in "stabbing" at the ball.

The key word my son heard (hears) from a former MLB
starter that played in post season regularly and in the World Series is GLIDE to the ball.
Last edited by floridafan

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