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BMX 05;

The clinic is a teaching program with the Expos Scouts as instructors. The "scouting combine" and Area Code tryout is our definition of the procedure, which we have used for 19 years to identify the best players in America with baseball tools.

The pro scouts have always selected the players for the tryouts [scouting combine] and for the final roster for the games in Long Beach.

The clinic is a one day event in a relaxed atmosphere where players maybe identified that were previously not noticed. Every year players have been selected for the Area Code games, who were previously unknown. Albert Pujulos was one of the players.

Bob Williams
OH Baseball 24;

Thank you for the question. "Creativity in baseball performance". From our most recent Goodwill Series in Australia, our players ages 16-18 played 12 games in 14 days.
Our pro scouts who coached the teams and Mr. Delmon Young were consistent in their opinion.

"Very few players today are able to make the necessary adjustments in the batter's box, "on the mound" or "on defense" to be successful".

There are several reasons for this current situation. In preparation for the "6th Tool" clinics June 12 at Sac State, June 19 at the U of Virginia and June 21 Long Beach, we will send each candidate a list of questions.

During the clinic the pro scouts from the Brewers and Expos will continue to teach creativity, visualization and imagination in a relax environment. Nike is a sponsor of this
teaching program.

Our objective is for the player to return home determined to "work harder"and to enjoy this game to be successful.

We will teach "self education". Since we started the Area Code Games in 1987, many "showcases" have emerged and have changed the
atitude of the parents, coaches and players.

When we play the National Teams of Japan, Australia and Korea, we realize "how unprepared" our American players have become in the past 5 years.

Certainly a one day clinic will not provide 100% preparation, but we can establish a "mind set" to "CREATIVITY" in the performance of a player in a competitive game.

Bob Williams
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Bob...AMEN! The books you recommended for my son" Mind Gym" by Gary Mack & David Casstevens and "The Mental Game" by Dorfman and Kuehl have made a great difference in his mental approach on the mound. The long flight gave him plenty of time to read and then the application. He learned a tremendous amount about the mental side of the game from his Australia experience.

I know he is working hard to put it to good use and begin to put more emphasis on "fun" rather than "pressure" this Junior year.

Just by people asking you what "creativity" means speaks for itself. The best, visualize and then create from confidence. HS coaches put to much emphasis on winning. Most of the pressure today is coach imposed. Let the players play. Coaches need to support.

"If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it". William Arthur Ward

"Baseball is Life"

Big Hit 15:

Thank you for your request. Each year, Area Code Baseball and the professional scouts evaluate over 850 high school players ages 15-17. In addition, our International travel teams [250 players] to Japan, China and Australia provide experience to answer your request.
The majority of the young players today are not learning the "inside" game.

The words "creativity", visualization" and "imagination" are not a part of the youth coaching or the parents teaching. Recently, I present a question to a quality tool pitcher.

Runner on 3b, less than 2 outs. What type of pitch would you throw to the hitter? Would you "shake off" your catcher or your coach, if you did not have confidence in the selected pitch?

Youth coaches can learn from professional scouts, college coaches and former professional players the "inside" game. Self teaching is the best method to retain the knowledge presented.

We are not teaching pre-game preparation for the pitchers, defense and hitters. We are not
sitting in the dugout with the player and examing his previous AB.

The passion for the game and the "search for excellence" has been forgotten.

The pressure for the exclusive D-1 scholarship may take away from the player obtaining the "enjoyment" of playing the game for competitive reasons and development of his athletic skills.

What is the "role of the hitter", the "role of the hitter" What do you think?

Bob Williams
Big Hit;

Please read the Keith Hernandez book "Pure Baseball". It is an inning by inning description of 2 ML games through the eyes of Keith Hernandez. The book named "Nine Sides of the Diamond" by David Falkner, describes the art of defense.

Also "raresportsfilms" HAS A INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO by Ted Williams which is the best that I have ever seen. I have 30 copies for our Area Code players.
We will have a college track coach at each of our 6 Tool Clinics. I have 4 recommendations for youth coaches.

1. The "high tee" drill
2. Pepper for pitchers and position players.
3. Mandatory reading and a weekly quiz of a baseball or social-psychology book
4. Practice defense, defense and defense.

The role of a hitter is to "see the ball"

Bob Williams
Calbb and Big Hit:

Is it possible for you to e-mail my address <>

We can discuss a new program involving Nike and the "6 Tool Clinics" and your travel teams.

Our Nike 6 Tool clinics for this summer will be June 12 at Sacramento State, California; June 19 at the U of Virginia and June 21 at Blair Field, Long Beach, California.

This is also a pre tryout for the Area Code Teams and our International Travel Teams to China and Australia.

Bob Williams

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