hesitant to disagree with fungo, but here goes
regarding staff having "same authority as HC" ... NOT in this world.
when is the last time you saw the strength coach "give the umpires the line-up" ...
"stroll to the mound" to pull a pitcher...give a call to the bull pen...or, coach 3B?
very few programs have a dedicated "baseball only" strength coach.
of those that have that dedicated strength coach, his baseball knowledge or input into actual baseball program decisions would be on par with the trainer, or compliance officer.
ie: input/responibility
compliance - "report on player's ncaa eligibility or NOT"
trainer - "report on player's health or NOT"
strenght coach - "report on player's conditioning progress or NOT"
I've NEVER seen one in a baseball uniform
even if the player "wanted" the RS, I'd suggest my player politely sit with the head coach
and clarify the structure of his chain of command
it sounds like, there are more problems than bad communication & command chain there