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Player needs surgery for a Meniscus(sp?) tear. Already a D1 LOI signee.

Player is getting pressure from summer coach and parents to have player play in summer and wait till late summer for surgery. Rehab is 6-8 weeks and probably be ready for fall.

As a college coach would you want the player to have surgery ASAP so fully healed for fall or allow player to play summerball and probably be ready for fall?

What would be your reaction to finding out when school starts the player had surgery so late in summer and rehab was going slower than anticipated?

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I am not a college coach but I know what I would tell a player who was on our travel team if this happened---forget us--get the surgery done NOW and be ready for college baseball---at the same time get the college staff involved so you are on a therapy program they agree with

Since you are already signed I look at it this way-- you are now a player for that college--work with their program and not the summer coaches-- if you show up as damaged goods the scholarship can well go out the window

Agree with both of the above - summer coach is being selfish, what else might he/she [ Big Grin ] do to jeopardize player's future. Summer ball [post-HS summer only] means squat once you have the D1 scholly. You are the school's player now - GET IT DONE. Also - rehab time is about average - what if he needs a little more? What if you hurt it further by playing on it [don't belive the old line "You can't hurt it any more by playing on it" BS!! What about post-surgery complications or infection that slow recovery/rehab? What if surgery ends up a little more involved than just meniscus tear??

Had mine done twice, same knee - no big deal, but that was ME!! Who knows what this particular situation may bring.

Call the coach, fill him in and with his expected blessing, get the surgery and be ready to roll in September; otherwise, can you spell R-E-D-S-H-I-R-T? How about JC? have to put yourself in your College Coaches' shoes for a minute.....He will quickly put 2 and 2 together and know that you had an opportunity to report healthy to college...but instead decided to postpone surgery and rehab so you could play summer ball.....if you were the Coach....what would you do with you?
Last edited by LadyNmom
This should be a no-brainer. Would you rather....

Play hurt on a summer team that you will never play for again and at the same time disappoint the coach you will play for the next 4 years.


Get physically and mentally prepared for college life and the the most competitive baseball situation he has ever faced.

hmmmm Confused
Last edited by rz1

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