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I wonder if Julie might consider starting a new forum called something like "Reoccuring questions on HSBBW" or "FAQ on HSBBW" where most of us over the years have seen the same questions numerous times in various forms.

Maybe we could help her come up with a list of the most common questions we see day in and day out and under each "type" of question, i.e. NCAA Clearinghouse she could post the links that are out on the Internet. And those links/Q&A on posts past that we've also given on there as helpful past (3Fingered!)

Just seems like it would help simplify and help point many new posters to some of the information they are hoping to find quicker.

Any ideas?


"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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I think this is an excellent idea! Here's the gameplan I suggest:

1. Members, please post your own list here of some of the most common questions or topics on our site.

2. Once we have a pretty good list compiled, I will try to consolidate it into categories.

3. Then, I will ask for volunteers to "research" those questions / topics. Each volunteer can take one or more of the topics, do a search, and send me back a list of some of the best threads about that topic.

4. Finally, I'll create a new forum, or maybe a thread that is "stickied" to the top of the most applicable current forum, and make the links to those great threads available in the "stickied" thread.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion!

Originally posted by TPM:
Forum for NCAA questions only, make it easier for 3FG! Big Grin

This was one that I was thinking of as well. Under NCAA Questions tab....

NCAA Clearinghouse questions

Recruiting do's and don'ts (or would this belong here?)

Quiet/Dead period dates

Transferring rules

Red shirt/gray shirt/medical red shirt
Official vs. Unofficial visits

11.7 scholarships

Come on folks! I know all of you have seen many, many questions quite repeatedly that we can help narrow the search down for new kids and parents on here. We're just touching the tip of the iceberg! Once we get these labeled Julie will help put these in some kind of category sequence.

Last edited by YoungGunDad

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