Originally posted by TRhit:
In view of the heated discussion that evolved out of the "Offering Information" thread I would be very much interested to hear what you , as parents, think the responsibility of a travel program should be in terms of the recruiting process.
Provide a good schedule with exposure. Provide information on the recruting process and the responsibility of the recuit and his family. Be truthful and honest when asked questions regarding the players ability, personality, commitment, coachability, leadership. Provide other information only when asked by coach and then decide whether the questions asked would have bearing upon his playing ability, school work, etc. If you don't feel in your heart it is the right fit, no problem with discussing that with the recruit. Even if asked by the player to call to discuss certain things, it is the players responsibility to learn how to handle his own affairs.
Try to be unbiased towards his options. If you have a good relationship with that coach, that doesn't mean the recruit will. If you don't like the climate of the school, that doesn't mean he won't. Let him make his own pro and con list. Guide him in the decision if his parents are unable. This is the time that all issues can be discussed, but it is the recruits ultimate decision to make that decision. It is not the coach's responsibility to speak on his behalf to the recruiting coach regarding issues that you as a coach may forsee may exist in the future, this is something to discuss with your player.
Many travel coaches become very close with their players, I know this because my son was very close with his coach and still is to this day. He had an issue with one school recruiting him, they discussed it openly and son called the next day to tell them no thank you. There was no need for any discussion on the coaches part.