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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think RF in Yankee was 295 and 344 in RC. I had the absolute pleasure to meet one of the Maris boys a few years back. It was a private setting so I got to talk a little about his Dad. He told me that his Dad was proud of the accomplishment, but he never regarded the record the way fans or media did. He was much more concerned that people knew he played hard and that he was a winner. I thought Roger was always a class act, and I was only 4 when he hit 61.
Coachric: I believe you to be a classic "57" Just like the EH.
Am I Correct?

Let's on this site Please only go after those Players, if at all.
The one's that have been caught. And not Drag People's Good Name's into the Dirt.
And For What to Justify what Modern Athletes have done to there body's to just get ahead.
I would Hope and Pray that we could clean this steroid problem up, By Athletes that would just say no to the Temptation to Get Ahead.

What example do they see all over the news of this Cooperate
Scandel and that Political Ethics Violation Just to get a Kick back.

It come's down to Greed, Ego, and Absolutely no Integrity.
I'm Sorry to get on my soap box, I just hope we can clean it up and move Forward. The EH
Boy, I've never heard anyone contend that Maris was anything but a straight arrow. And while he had the one unbelievable year, he was far from a "one year wonder", and he also had his share of injury problems.

One of the things about Maris was that when the Cardinals signed him, part of his compensation package was a beer distributorship. Maris made a life for himself outside baseball and thus didn't have the pressure to play forever. And by the way, the distributorship was, I've heard, a shrewd move for him and his family in an era where even the greats didn't make lifetime money out of their careers.

Don't go saying stuff like this about a stand-up guy unless you've got something to back it up.
Remember, too, his hair started falling out...they attributed it to "pressure" from the media. Really, now?

Not unheard of. My Grandad went into WW2 with a full head of hair, spent a lot of time in extremely stressful situations, and lost his hair within a year. His C.O. went from jet black hair to silver gray in a matter of weeks.

Simple fact: Maris never hit more than 39 HRS before or after his 61 year--- is this what we call a career year?

Sounds like a career year to me.
BeenthereIL posted:
Who knows what he might have been taking because he was a "one year wonder" and he played at Yankee Stadium with the 307" fence in right.

Remember, too, his hair started falling out...they attributed it to "pressure" from the media. Really, now?

My favorite at that time was Mickey Mantle. Don't know how he put up those numbers with his drinking problem.

Classless and unnecessary.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
In over 50 years, there has never been a suggestion that tainted Maris' record, other than Bowie Kuhn's stupid the number of games issue, and there is nothing to suggest it now.
Facts indicate this was Maris first year in Yankee Stadium with a short porch and the first time in a lineup that included Mantle hitting behind him to the tune of 54 homeruns before he got hurt late in the season. Does anyone doubt that everyone was far more willing to pitch to Maris than Mantle, that Maris got more fastballs than he had probably ever seen in his career, before or after, and that he had a perfect swing for that porch. The fact that Maris was on the same team as Ford, Mantle and Martin who all acknowledge alcohol issues does not taint Maris whatsoever. Maris' family has been so gracious throughout. Maybe we as fans might do the same.
The Maris Family Has been most Gracious.

Also I might add that Mr. Henry Aaron has been a Class Act.

And Also all the Clean Player's have Not started pointing Fingers Either.

Everybody want's to bring up all the thing's from the past.
And look what they where doing and what that generation did.

Let's look to the Future and say what are WE going to Do.
How are we going to make thing's better.
How will We be Remembered. the EH
Answer the question: What would you think if Bonds went from 39 home runs to 61 the next season?

Your hero went from 49 to 73 in 1 year...then maintained consistent HR numbers at the same time his AB's were decreasing. His #'s started going up at the time testimony shows he started juicing. Look at some facts before you start blabbing. Opinion is one thing...factual opinion is much more meaningful.
True baseball fans don't need facts to back anything up...this is baseball and not rocket science.....Play with your own numbers.

Why do they keep stats, then?

When someone has nothing to say, they start "name-calling"....Mr. "blabbingperson" from South Carolina.

This is indeed an example of "the pot calling the kettle black".

I'll let someone else take care of the light work on that statement.
I have no interest talking about drugs and who did what. It gets kind of old after awhile! On the other hand, it’s good that others are making there feelings known.

However, I actually did know Roger Maris when he lived in St Louis and am very good friends with his son Kevin. Kevin Maris is a high school coach in Gainesville, FL.

The year Roger broke the record about drove him nuts. He was not a media type person at all. He was treated like Sh*t for really no reason at all. As others have said he probably wouldn’t have broken the record without Mantle hitting behind him and the ball park built for pull LHHs (like Roger).

Also, he was not a one year wonder. In fact, he was the AL MVP the year before he hit 61. In 1960 he led the MLB with 27 HRs by the All Star break, but missed a lot of games in the second half due to injury. In a 4-5 year span he was one of the best in baseball (maybe the best). 1961 was one of the only years he played without injuries. He did have a fairly short career compared to Bonds. Roger retired at age 33 with 275 HRs and played in 7 World Series (Yankees and Cardinals) all from 1960 to 1968. Bonds hit 334 HRs after that age! Roger died of cancer at a very young age.

I just want to say… The world should be full of people like Roger Maris and his son Kevin. Roger was definitely not a media darling, that’s for sure. No one can remember him trying to get in the news, but many remember his flipping the bird to fans who rode him unmercifully.. All he did was play hard every day on every play (defense and offense). He was a great player with a shortened career and a short life.

IMO People need to absolutely admire Roger Maris.

What side of the bed did you wake up on today? A Roger Maris drug insinuation? Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but to make such accusations and at the same time try and hype up the already juiced up Barry Bonds is, IMO, over the top. Somewhere in your analysis, however, I sense something else going on. Your references to Texas, WMD and the newly formed committee chaired by the baseball connected, former Democratic politico Mr. Mitchell sounds like something written by Oliver Stone.
Didn't make Maris drug insinuations anywhere.

But he did go from 39 to 61 and then back down to 33 and then out.

You didn't make drug insinuations? Baloney.

It's the same nonsense you've done for years...make an underhanded jab at somebody/something, then step back with an innocent denial, and say, "who, me"?....

You question why he hit 61 in a career year, then tapered down? Look at HR totals for players of that era...the majority of the players peaked in their late 20's, to early 30's, then dropped fast. Maris had a career year at 28 with Mantle hitting behind him, then followed that year with decent numbers for that era.

Bobby Bonds had his highest total, 39 HR, at age 27. Frank Robinson hit 49 at age 30...the only time he did it. Mike Schmidt hit 49 at age 30...never after that. The best stretch Harmon Killebrew had was age 25, 26, 27, & 28. Mantle hit 54 at age 29...never did it again. Willie McCovey...maxed out at age 31. Ted Williams maxed out at age 30. Carl Yastrzemski maxed out at age 27.

As Bugs Bunny would say to you..."you're such a maroon"....
2seamer...Gees...You've been following me around for years?

Get a life!

If I wasn't around in 1961, I wouldn't say anything.

How do you explain the 39-61-33? Simple enough question, isn't it?

Just been reading your nonsense here for years, that's all.

I've explained the 39-61-33 a couple of times already...go back and read.

Explain Barry jumping from 49HR's to 73HR's. Explain Barry's head growing to pumpkin-like dimensions. Explain the charts showing what he took, what cities he was in,and when he took it.
Explain his jumping from a 180 lb. 40-40 guy to a 240+ lb. hulk that makes sprinting around the bases the most exciting 2 minutes in baseball.

Simple enough questions, aren't they? body-builder
I must have read the opening in a parallell universe.

I understood it as the Maris Family having issue with Roger Maris' record being broken by juicers. They seem to accept it as part of the reality if the game.

Maris went through hard times after breaking the Babe's home run record. There were death threats in the race for the record. The insults flew regularly.

The press would not stand for Maris being the Home Run King. The aterisk was tagged next to the 61 in 61. Maris had the benefit of a longer season than Ruth if I recall correctly.

In 62, Maris had to endure insults, things being thrown at him and the obvious hatred of the New York fans. No wonder his hair was falling out.
It's a Shame TR,
That Someone, are a few Idiot's out there. That would do something like that.
It's a Game, That's All It Is. It's to be Enjoyed and Celebrated.

I Guess I'm Old School, I don't Believe in Belittling the other Team's Player's.

I don't Believe in Booing your Own Team.

You must take responsibility for Your Own Actions.

Umps are Fair Game, But you don't take it to extreme.
Your Killing Me Blue, then let it Go. The EH
There are several other kinds of baldness. Traction alopecia is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows that pull on their hair with excessive force. Wearing a hat shouldn't generally cause this, though it is a good idea to let your scalp breathe for 7 hours a day. Traumas such as chemotherapy, childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress may cause a hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium. Some mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one location (Alopecia areata monolocularis) to every hair on the entire body (Alopecia areata universalis).

I posted this as it has been inferred that steroids were the cause of Maris' hair loss...based on the significant amount of stress that this man endured it is reasonable to feel it affected his system by making him suffer hair the 60's, to the best of my recollection, steriods were not even a consideration to be utilized as performance enhancing drugs...
Last edited by catchermom03
When people start calling people names, that is when I get off the ship.

Baloney. You've always done this...make backhanded comments, fire away to your heart's content, then go back and remove your post and play innocent.

Name-calling? Please. You're the one that wrote that racist, sterotypical garbage about Southerners all having Confederate flags, for just one highlight of "The Best Of BeenThere"...then as usual, you run back and delete it later, and sit there like an 8 year old with his hands in his pockets saying, "Who, me"?

If you're going to post, at least have the guts to stand behind what you say.
2...If you or anyone else has a problem with me, give me a call:

John Petrulis, 815-469-4520

You live in South Carolina and know all about the problems with the Confederate flag display. This is 2006 and not 1870. Do they still have it flying over the capitol? You probably have a pick-up truck with a confederate flag plate on the front plate mount.

I don't hide behind a screen name as many of you do...or multiple screen names, for that matter.
Why is everyone all of sudden so thin skinned ?

I take the comparison of Bonds numbers and Maris's numbers as just that--a comparison of numbers-- both had significant jumps in one year--using the logic being expoused by some the comparison is logical and makes for great discussion-- why did they have great jumps and actually the jump Maris made is more eye opening than the Bonds jump.

Folks enjoy the banter and dont take it so darn serious--you are in a cyberspace discussion --realize that and have fun
The problem with pulling your Post!!
Nobody Know's where the Banter started From.
There's times when Myself, and I'm sure Other Poster's are the Last Poster Before someone Start's Chewing someone else out for what they Posted. Yet the Originator are Perpetrator get's off Scott Free
And then it make's it look like your the one that started it.

OH. Maybe I'm Just Paranoid. the EH
You live in South Carolina and know all about the problems with the Confederate flag display. This is 2006 and not 1870. Do they still have it flying over the capitol? You probably have a pick-up truck with a confederate flag plate on the front plate mount.

No, the Confederate Flag doesn't fly over the Capitol.

No, I don't have a Confederate Flag plate mounted on a pickup truck.

No, I really couldn't give a rip about the Confederate Flag.

Just more stereotypical nonsense from someone with an ill-founded superiority complex.

Let's see if you have the guts to leave this up more than an hour or so. You're on quite a the last month or so, you've managed to denigrate Southerners, women that are the victims of threats, and people making less than $40,000 per year...who's next?
Folks enjoy the banter and dont take it so darn serious--you are in a cyberspace discussion --realize that and have fun

I agree, there's nothing better than good debate. I still don't see the comparison with Maris, though. Maris had a career year in his prime... 28 years old...jumped from 39 to 61, then dropped off, like most of his contemporaries did at that age.

Bonds jumped from 49 to 73, at a much older age, with a tremendous increase in both body size and head size, and evidence that he knowingly used multiple steroids, HGH, and testosterone. His statements that he thought he was taking flaxseed oil and rubbing on arthritis balm are laughable at best...squirting Norbolethone under the tongue and placing testosterone cream to an inch long part of the body under a patch are completely different from what he claimed.

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