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In 100% of the other businesses in the world, they'd be on the street. Both knew-yes, they 100% knew-there was rampant drug use years ago and did nothing truly substantive. Why are they still employed? They helped their "clients", Owners for Selig, players for Fehr, make millions.

Start next week and REQUIRE that every professional player be tested for everything under the sun. Flunk the test, one year suspension. Refuse the test, three year suspension. Mandatory random testing, blood and urine, no more than 20 minutes advance notice.

HOF Consideration-pass a lie detector test. Okay, I know they aren't perfect, but we'll do the best we can.

If the game is to have integrity, it needs real testing, a la Olympic-style, and big penalties.

(If it turns out Cal was into this stuff, I pledge never to watch anything above the college level.)
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