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Not sure if anyone caught the interview with CC Sabathia this week about his addiction to alcohol.  

He mentioned the stress he was under. He must have been a very unhappy person.  Its sad how we place these gifted athletes on a pedastal, they are real people just like us.

I doubt that any of us actually realize the pressure these guys are under to produce.

I hope that CC opened the door for others to seek help. 

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Nice observation TPM. It has been known that once you know you have an addiction problem and seek help, the chances for recovery increases depending on the treatment they undergo. I am pretty sure that pressure to perform plays a major factor with these athletes. There are also genetic tendencies and social and environmental  influences that may add to it. As you said, I also hope others like him  will seek evaluation.

Originally Posted by keewart:

Thanks for posting.  I thought I would share the link:




I am such a huge CC fan, he is one of those that has always played the game with respect. Never a bad word about him.  I admire his coming out to possibly help others.

Its very hard, both of my kids were involved with people that had addiction to alcohol, but they never admitted they had a problem.  They were functioning alcoholics. My daughter's ex fiance was drunk late one night and crashed into a wall and died.  My son unfortunetely had to walk away from his fiance who was his HS sweetheart.  It took both of them a while to understand that they could never change things unless they wanted to chance them.  It was heartbreaking.

I recently lost a cousin, she had a heroine addiction in HS. She struggled all of her life, turned things around, but recently she gave into that addiction and died at 41.


This stuff really gets to me.

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