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Well....cub fan's, are they chokin? Is the billy goat in the rear view?

Big Z could very well be done for 08.
Hardin might be right behind him.
The bats are silent @ Wrigley.
What will happen on the road?

Imo, the cubs can weather the storm in September....but the playoff's seem very menacing now...whaddayathink gents?

Sox fans know that uncomfortable feeling all too well...first time was 05 when the Sox hit a spell of mediocrity just about this time of year.This season has been crazier yet with the Twins within 2 games for the last 100 days!

The Sox must go into Minny for a 3 game series with at least a 2 game lead...or else blow the playoffs!

The cubs have to get themselves in battle mode for the first time all year...which may be difficult but Lou knows how it's done even if the players and GM don't!

Luckily for them the Brewers don't seem remotely capable of getting red hot like Cleveland did in 05.

Lets hear your thoughts out there!
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The best thing that happened to the Sox in '05 was being tested down the stretch. They overcame it and it made the pressure of the playoffs seem small by comparison. A similar thing could be said about the Rockies last year. The Cubs could very well face a serious test the next few weeks and assuming they handle it and don't fold, it could turn out to be a positive thing going into the playoffs.

The Sox seem to be running on fumes but who knows. Great month of baseball ahead.
Last edited by igball
Bad break (no pun intended). Strange how long it took to find out that his wrist was broken. I know some of these fractures don't show up on an initial x-ray. Another stupid and selfish guy who breaks his wrist by hitting his bat after an out. In time, Big Z will break his leg when he busts his bat after an out. And, he's a pitcher!!!

Soxnole, the sox lineup is made up of all mashers. They have to scratch to score runs if they're not hitting the ball out of the park. Now, they've lost a big, big hitter and the others will have to step up. Can you say Griffey, Konerko?

Just like you and I were saying between us; it's always about injuries and who can stay healthy. Similar issues on the Northside. Good luck with yours.
Last edited by itsrosy

Quentin, a Stanford guy, is most definetely not stupid.

Selfish imo, would be punching the wall or similar.

He actually did this during an at bat. Something he has done since he was a kid. Hopefully he'll never do it again. Freak accident would be accurate.

My inclination that no matter what the cubs do won't matter because the Brew Crew stinks, appears to be the case....unless the north siders lose another 7 of 8!
Stanford huh? Well, two peas in a pod along with your egomaniacal GM. Actually, I hadn't heard that and I'm kind of surprised. Stanford certainly doesn't equate with stupid, quite the opposite.

Wall, end of his bat, knee, it's all crazy in this era of "how do I look on Sportscenter". Of course it's an accident, but foolish nonetheless. But if you're gonna lose a player, better a position guy than a 1 or 2 starter. JMO.
Last edited by itsrosy
OK cub fans!....Your IN like FLYNN!

The Sox are on the verge...2 up in the loss column with 13 to play (12 for the Twinkies).

With 4 games @ Tampa and 3 VS the Sox, the Twins will probably lose at least 3 more games.That means they must win the last 2 @ Cleveland (Cliff Lee included) and sweep the Royals (@ home).

This means the Sox must win 9 of the last 13.

My prediction...2 from the Yanks, 3 from the Royals,1 from the Twins (in Minny),2 from Cleveland (@ home) and the make-up with the Tigers (Sept.29th)...SOX WIN SOX WIN!!!

If we fail to win 9 we still have Cliff Lee to root for tomorrow night.

I like our chances.
Gonna have to go with Carrasco or Thornton as a bridge to Linebrink and Bobby.

Dotel can get it done as well but lately his fastball has been poorly located and straight as an arrow!

Logan looks lousy against lefty's and Ramirez looks like a deer in head lights.

At the moment MacDougal looks like a real possibility. Maybe mix Broadway and/or Richards in long and short relief. Wasserman might be good against righty's if he gets the ball over. Adam Russell is suddenly no where to be seen?

Use them all as often as a lot of em so your not gonna wear em out!

With 13 to go (maybe 12)it's time to leave the starters in through 6 or more every time out. Seemed odd that Buehrle was taken out when he was going good....especially for Wasser dude.
Just watched the best game of the year! The 9th inning was as good as it gets if you're a Cub fan. What great battles between Wood, Braun and Fielder. Second guessed throwing an 0-2 slider to Lamb, who only has slider speed left in his bat, but in the end it didn't matter.

Sabathia is a stud but does suffer his first loss as a Brewer. Another quality outing by Dempster. Tack on runs in the 7th and 8th were the difference.
I don't know how you can feel good with another outing by Wood, in which he couldn't step on the opposing's team throat in the 9th.

Cub starting pitching is going to be just fine. Lets hope their offense hammers away in the play-offs, because their late inning pitching may just kill them. Its a really hard way to lose a game when you give it away very late in the game. We'll see.

"Not this year"??

Sox can win it all if:

They play Tampa in the first series. That would be the most difficult part, but we match up better against them (3-3)than the red sox and we have already won a series there.

If they can get by Tampa, the Angels are definetely doable...they are afraid of us and we match up well against them...and they match up well VS the red sox.

The World Series is obviously the AL's to lose. Only the cubs have a remote chance after beating up on the pitiful NL, comprised of the choking Brewers, Mets and altogether weak competition.

So your out of hand dismissal is hard to understand considering my usual 95% agreement level with your posts...what are your thoughts?
Tonight the sox will beat the Twins to virtually clinch a playoff spot. Even with a loss, the sox are in command here and there is no way they will miss the playoffs. Only the talking heads are making it seem like there is any question and of course they do it so they have something to talk about. Book it.

This is a great year for Chicago Baseball....first time in 100 years both teams are in post season. Nothing to sneeze at. Now it all comes down to matchups and it looks like the sox are getting The Tampa Bay Rays......I don't know if I like that matchup. The Cubs are in better shape either facing the Brewers (who could turn it around but I doubt it) or the Mets who just look bad.

Any chance of an all-Chicago Series?
The Cubs have put themselves in a great position. With all the drama around them, Lou is just operating this like an orchestra conductor. They'll have no excuses when the games start for real, and I don't think they'll need any. They're not perfect, but better than the rest. 1st in the league in walks and 1st in OBP. That has gone a long way in their success. Wonderful not to depend on the long ball to score runs.
Since you guys don't have long ball types (especially away from the bandbox confines)thats a good thing.

FB....Please stop with the jinxy "book it" stuff.

LOLOLOL!...I do agree with you about the doomsayers but the bottom line is that this is the beginning of the AL playoff's for the Sox and if they can't get 1 of 3 from the Twinkies, then....SAYONORA 2008!

I'll put my $ on Buehrle tonight.
Last edited by soxnole
Well, Lou did his best to insure a Mets win tonight. Never even saw the regulars in the dugout. Micah Hoffpauir almost ruined it singlehandedly. Congrats to Cotts, Howry and Hart. Now, they've got to beat the Brew Crew a couple of games, because the Marlins will beat the Mets a couple of games. All this could mean playing the Mets (a very good thing) and not the Dodgers (a scarier alternative).

FBD, your thoughts?
Rosy, it would have been nice to play the Mets, but I think they will handle the Dodgers OK. It will be very interesting to see how they approach The Brewers. You have to get those starters some AB's don't you think?

I can't believe what happened to the sox in The Dome. Thought for sure they would win at least one. Maybe it's time to back up the truck?

On a side note, The Hawk was absolutley horrible in this series......making excuse after excuse and putting it all on the umps. He might even hear from MLB for all the complaining about the umps. Totally unprofessional.
On a side note, The Hawk was absolutley horrible in this series......making excuse after excuse and putting it all on the umps. He might even hear from MLB for all the complaining about the umps. Totally unprofessional.

I had to turn off the volume after the appeal on the check swing for strike three.
Couldn't agree more regarding the call of the game. If I were a Sox fan I'd be more than a little embarrassed. That's why I like Bill Melton's post-game analysis. He says it like it is and doesn't concern himself with bad calls. However, it is always easier to blame someone else than yourself. We're all guilty of that I'm afraid.

Publicly ripping the umps will not help you as the season winds down.
Last edited by itsrosy
That is all the "Hawk" does is make excuses. The facts are the Sox are falling and they can't get up. It was funny watching Bobby Jenks trying to get fastballs by the Twins hitters in the 8th inning. It's for the best anyways, with the Cubs in post season nobody would've even noticed that the Sox were also in the playoffs. The Twins verses Devil Rays should be a good opening AL Divisional Series.
I think the pitching went south when the 3 days rest idea showed up. The starting pitching that is, the bullpen has been bad except for maybe Thorten for a while. This has been painful to watch. But look at many parts of the game, baserunning, situatuional hitting, bunting, defense, pitchers getting a head in the count, not knowing how many outs there are, playin Griffey over BA in that balllpark in Minnesota? Defense has not been just errors but mentals errors like rundowns and throwing to the wrong base and such. This is really sloppy.

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