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I'm in the process of trying to get more funds for baseball from the school district. In talking with parents and coaches, we feel that the cost to run a 5A baseball program is around $12,000 a year at a minimum. In order to support my cause, I was wondering how much money does the different school districts budget for baseball. I'll start-
GISD $3,000, which means a lot of burden placed on booster clubs and parents to pay for the rest.
Thanks for any input you can give me.
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Ask how much other spring programs at your school get: softball, tennis, golf, s****r and track. Sometimes districts go years without evaluating their spending. If coaches in past years have not requested budget increases and provided justification, your admin/board may be unaware of the program's need. They won't provide all you need, but $3,000 is less than much smaller schools allocate.

We have the same type of budget you do. Around 5K plus different ones for maintanence, Travel, umpires/tournament fees.

Are you saying that you have to have a budget for your boosters prior to the year and the school approves it - then raise the money?

Anyhow 25k-30k is a heck of a good job by your boosters!!

Good Luck this Spring - talk to you soon!

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