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Last nights game was like an episode of Seinfeld at our house. Our 11 year old was jumping around and spazzing out at the thought that they might come back, then someone (i.e. me) ends up tripping on the cable and wham....static. Son is FREAKING out running around like a crazy man trying to find where it came disconnected. Mom to the rescue, and reconnects it just in time to see the team celebrating. Poor guy falls to his knees and cries out to the heavens "?!?!?!?!WHY!?!?!?!?!"

Good thing we have tickets to see Pettitte on the mound tonight. So barring another monsoon like last year when we tried to see him pitch.....we shouldn't have any "technical difficulties".
Last edited by 2010-15-20
I wanted CJ to succeed, but showing a lack of respect to a manager that has done nothing but support his team in all the right ways....I'm out on Mr Wilson. I've not been a huge Washington supporter, but you have to love his perserverance and his straightforward, do-it-the-right-way approach.

They're a fun team to watch, no matter the season's outcome. Perhaps Ryan will get too much credit, but what a breath of fresh air in Arlington! Kids, playing a game....and having fun. Cool
Just as a fan, I have questioned Washington's handling of the pitching staff...especially the bullpen.

But having said that, I love what he did last night. He stopped him, made Wilson hand him the ball the right way, then patted him on the back.

What Wash may lack in managing a staff, he has in developing a team concept and chemistry.
Ok, it's been almost 2 months since we've discussed this subject.....but it seems simple to this simple mind. As long as a team gets 9 wins out of their "ace", they will continue to be mediocre. And as long as they're mediocre, they'll continue to draw less than 2M fans -- ridiculous in this market. And as long as they get mediocre attendance, the team's budget will remain flat. I loved watching the kids and I like the position players on this team.....but they're years away from the playoffs (not a year, but years).

So, if it's time to commit to the kids, then they should pull the trigger and trade Laird and see if they can get anything for Blalock. And, in my opinion, Young isn't the answer at SS. Maybe those three can be used to get a starting pitcher that can win 14-15 games.
Last edited by Panther Dad
For the first time in what seems like forever i'm genuinely excited about the Ranger's future. Holland and Feliz are two of the top pitching prospects in baseball, and hopefully Elvis Andrus can make Michael Young trade bait sooner rather than later.

It seems like Nolan has managed to get the front office to get their act together, hopefully the boys on the field can do the same.

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