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@JCG posted:

I'm getting an error with that link.   Is it this?

Here's an ABC News story on it.

Sorry, I don't know why the link didn't work.  Trying again.  It's the UK study published today about the vaccine trial in phase 2.

Not trying to debate anyone.  Just providing the latest study that offers another glimmer of hope I think we would all welcome, RJM.

@RJM posted:

It only took eight and nine posts to bring back a subject that has caused a lot of problems on the board.


Jacked up traffic numbers +

Folks trading info on a serious situation (and a few jabs here & +

Lots of good insight and data on the situation +

A bit of political bantering +++ (especially in an election year)

Only problem I see was closing the thread down!!

Dropping tanks can mess with a kid's head.  Mine went into a deep slump freshman year after starting with a couple bombs early on.  It took him a while to admit to himself that he was trying to jerk every pitch he saw over the LF fence, instead of just hitting everything as hard as he can.

Gunner, you should start a thread just with that video and some click bait title.  People need to see it!

If people do watch the whole video, long but great the whole way through, they will realize we saw every one of those characters in the Elephant Thread.  I am sure everyone who contributed or read the 22 pages of that thread is reading The Whooly Mammoth in the room and will come across this...   It's hysterical and accurate.

@JCG posted:

Dropping tanks can mess with a kid's head.  Mine went into a deep slump freshman year after starting with a couple bombs early on.  It took him a while to admit to himself that he was trying to jerk every pitch he saw over the LF fence, instead of just hitting everything as hard as he can.

100% the issue with Sennason. Consistent contact hitter with super low K rate over the years. Really focused a lot on increasing power the past fall in his hitting.

PBR showcase in early June, goes HAM in BP and the games. Next two tournies, continues just pummeling. Last game of tourney 2, coach slots him cleanup. O/3 with 3 Ks.

PG showcase the following week? 0/4 with 4 Ks. 

Tourney following weekend? 2/10 with 4 Ks and weak popups for the other outs. 

Sits back after that tourney and reconsiders. Goes back to basics, working counts, finding his pitches. 

Next tourney, goes .200 in 10 ABs, but only 1 K and many loud outs.

Follows it up with WWBA and a .500 average over 14 ABs with only 1 K.  

Hoping that he’s figured out the key....

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