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Can someone tell me how I would transfer video from a DVD into my computer.

Over the past year or so, I Tivo a lot of games. During those games, if I see something I like (swing, fielding technique, etc.) I record the clip from my Tivo to a DVD (using a DVD recorder).

Now my question is, how can I get the clips from DVD to my computer? Is there special software I need, etc.?

I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks.
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Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
What format are the videos on the DVD ?

You should be able to copy them right over from the DVD drive depending pn the format.

I am not really sure. Is there a way to tell? I am not real literate with all this new technology. I just know I transfer from the Tivo to my Panasonic DVD Recorder. Pretty much a couple of clicks through the remote on the TV.
Put the DVD in the DVD drive.
go to MY COMPUTER and open that up. Click on DVD icon. Double click to open the DVD up to show conteents. It shoul have a bunch of icons. One for each video. Click once on 1 of the videos. It will be highligted. Right click and a menu should scroll down. On the menu is COPY. Click on copy and see if if copies. Go tp desktop and click any open space on the screen. Right click and the menu will scrol down again. Find PASTE and click on paste. It should place a copy on the desktop. Double click it once it appears and it should run. Let me know if it works.
There is software that will convert the dvd video to wmv, avi, mpeg4, and so on. Usually these dvd recorders will create a VIDEO_TS folder and some times an AUDIO_TS folder. Inside the VIDEO_TS folder are the different vob files which are the videos. I like to convert them to avi so I can edit out what i don't want. I will then convert these for kids to put on their ipods and iphones. I am on my school computer right now but when I get home home I can post what free program will convert these.
VLC a great player. It handles just about every format out there.

You should just be able to copy the VIDEO_TS folder to the hard drive and play the vob files. Windows Media Player handles it.

If you want smaller size files for portability and drive space, you can convert them to compressed formats like mpeg, avi, mov etc.. Some quality is obviously lost but not that much if your source video is good quality. Also, if you want to watch on the rig, these compressed formats should be fine. You can prety much scour the intarwebs and find a video converter program. You would convert the .vob files.

Sothink video converter is a free program. Here's a link.

Check around. There are many converters out there. Some pay, some free.
Last edited by zombywoof

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