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I am interested in finding out what your experiences are with some of the travel organizations...If you could respectfully and honestly describe the good, the bad and any suggestions on improvement?  If you are uncomfortable stating which organizations could you please pm me their name...looking for a solid team in the Inland Empire for 16u son but I also want to compare our experiences with to see if others are going through the same thing.

I have trying to find opinions and reviews (much like any you would for any service) but I have found zilch. 

Thanks for your help!


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I think you may need to explain where the "inland empire" is located.  I looked it up.  Or, post in a state specific thread.

Also, unless you are getting PMs, I'm not sure anyone wants to air dirty laundry about their travel programs.  They all come with the "good, bad and the ugly", and based on your tolerance, you may need to change teams.   My son did.

Keewartson changed teams several times over the years.  After 12U, (1) he jointed a brand new start up team that was just loaded with talented players, but after 2 years we realized that PG WWBA events were very important to US, but not to the team.  Then, (2)  he went to a large organizational team that had been around for a while and knew the ropes and had multiple teams at PG WWBA events.   It started out well in the fall, but in the summer when the football players arrived back on the team with their dads as coaches,  son proved himself but we felt there was no place for  "daddy ball"  at 15U.  Then he joined a (3)  team/organization that, at the time, was fully funded except for meals, so there was no "play to play" considerations and no daddy-ball, managed by a non-parent, and coached by a former pro player.  It was a great environment to play for 2 1/2 years, but even then it wasn't perfect. 

Thanks to both keewart and joemktg for your replies! Why would someone be hesitant about discussing either a good or a bad coach or organization? Maybe I don't understand but if a coach or organization was substandard wouldn't you want to share so others can make an educated choice? We have all manner of reviews for everything else, I am not sure why this is so different...Just trying to understand and not offend.


To partially answer your questions above:

1)  joemktg and I are from the same state.  You are from a different state.   Not thinking you will come to the east coast to play, but like joemktg said, the Canes do recruit nationwide.  (I wonder why no one from your area has commented?)

2)  Coaches come and go, or move to different age brackets.  

3)  What is a great coach/organization to one, may not be to another.  Grumbling about coaches/orgainizations mostly happens due to (lack of) playing time, which was never the case for us.  (Or costs lol). 

4)  keewartson is 4 years removed from travel ball.  We have high regard for all the coaches he has played under.  I tried to give you instances why son changed teams over 5-6 years, which narrowed down, was to play on the highest  competitive team he could, and get college exposure.

But, I think mostly, this is a nice site.  Folks don't want to air complaints about teams. There was a whole thread on a north carolina travel team/organization a while back that I think was shut down because a parent was complaining that the "B" team wasn't getting the good tournaments, etc, but the "A" team was.  Point well enough to be on the "A" team or change teams, but don't come on the board complaining.

Thanks again! It may be a location thing where we live in our own bubble here in SoCal. Competition is fierce and daddy ball at the high school level is all around us. Not to mention the astronomical fees for some the organizations in which they are turning huge profits and not providing what was on the package (so to speak).  Think bait and switch. I stopped coaching my son so he could see what kind of player he was without daddy. He has done very well for himself starting and hitting out of the 2, 3 or 5 slot. However with that said, I am really glad your son had an awesome experience! Did he get a chance to play in college?

I helped son set up a profile (there are examples on this site....see the homepage.)  I did not write it, but I DID proof it. 

Team arranged for a local professional company to do a video and provide links.  We paid for that.

Son gathered the emails of college coaches, and sent the profile to the coaches, with a link to his hitting video.  Son sent a follow up email to each coach before each tournament with the place and time he would be playing.  This became a weekly thing, and took some reminding.

Son provided a list of 5 schools he was interested in to the team manager when they asked.  He sent emails to those 5 and another 10 or so, including those schools that had contacted him through his high school coach. 

Coach set up the summer schedule to get exposure for his players.  Team played in those key events where college coaches attended.  Manager sometimes handed out info sheets of all players to college coaches that attended, and he always had them on hand if a recruiter should ask for one.  


Last edited by keewart

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