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Hello All,

Could somebody tell us what it means when a coach says they want to follow a player or when they ask us to keep them updated?  Obviously the expectation is that we would send information to the coaches, but what type of information is important and how frequently (i.e. 2014 went 4/4 on Sat. or quarterly stats updates for a position player or newspaper clippings? Grades?) When does it cross the line and become bragging? Is it appropriate to continue to update a coach who has asked for updates, but then has not responded when information was sent?  Thanks in advance, we really appreciate the information!

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They have certain rules I believe...Many don't respond at all...I wouldn't give them weekly info but just keep them aware from time to time...4 for 4 vs. weak pitching doesn't mean anything but if your at a higher level facing pitchers throwing in the 80's then they will note that...Stats are numbers and really mean didly...If they are interested they will request an official visit but many just blow smoke up your fanny...just be know who he's facing...What position ?   I've seen kids go 4 for 4 hitting bloopers and a kid go 0-4 that hit rocket shots that were caught...He's the kid I take notice on.....


Thanks for the info!  So you would suggest our son send updates when he is facing better pitching and leave out the stats?  In high school he faces some good pitching and some not so good pitching, so that is good feedback as stats include both types of pitching.  The program that our school is using for scoring includes a diagram showing where the ball goes when contact is made. Would you include this diagram in emails or is this to much information?  Thanks, sorry to be so dense, but we are really not sure how much info or how frequently is appropriate.

2014 Prospect:

When you send e-mail communication regarding your son's games, maybe use "Maxi - Preps" for your game reports. This would place a neutral 3rd party in the picture.

Always graduate the Coach on his College team success.


Maybe your HS Coach can send a monthly report. For our American players, who travel on our Goodwill Series International trips, we will send info to the selected Colleges.


Bob Williams

Santa Rosa, CA


Could somebody tell us what it means when a coach says they want to follow a player or when they ask us to keep them updated?

My two cents...I've seen it work two ways.  First, it can be used as a blow off.  The coach is not interested but is being polite.  Second, I've seen it meant to be an updated showcase travel schedule, SATs, GPA, and major milestones.  It can also mean "please update me with interest in other schools or pending verbal commitments".  Depending on the tone, and genuine interest should you be able to tell the difference.  My son didn't find it very difficult to tell between the two as those that spent time with him had genuine interest.  I think you'll find many coaches use this phrasing when they are just getting to know you, and they want to continue a dialogue on their timetable.  Keep in mind, the coaches timetable is vastly different from the recruits.

My son sends a Fall and Spring update to all the coaches and schools on his list.In these updates he includes academic progress(GPA,AP or honors classes, SAT & ACT test dates and scores if available, recent transcript ), athletic progress which includes any honors or achievements that he has earned,high school team/travel team info(coaches name and where they played college and or pro ball,quick recap of how the team did, etc)  He also includes a links section which includes, high school/travel team schedules,video clips(youtube,berecruited,Perfect Game,Stanford Camp, etc).


He started doing these updates at the end of his freshman season(he's now a junior) and they have been effective.Many coaches reply to his updates and they all watch the video clips.He is definitely on the radar of a bunch of schools.


In my opinion the updates and video links work, and this strategy(learned on this site) is a great way to generate initial interest.It's not the end all since coaches do need to see the player with their own eyes perform on the field.To me,the updates and video links are like a business card for the player.It won't necessarily get them recruited, but it will help open doors.


I would continue sending the updates to coaches on your son's list even if they stop or do not respond.Often times they do read the updates and don't respond right away.I'll give you a recent example.


My son has been sending regular updates to all the coaches at a well known D1 academic and baseball school in Virginia since the end of his freshman year.My sister lives there so my son included this school in his list. He never heard anything from them not even a generic camp invite.In December,out of the blue,came a letter on school stationary from the head coach of this school ! Included in this letter was a form for his high school coach to fill out and send back.Very cool ! This letter was completely unexpected and it just goes to show you never really know who is watching or reading for that matter.Even if nothing ever becomes of this,my son will always have this nice letter from the head coach


I want to give a big shout out to Blue10 and FenwaySouth. They both encouraged me to have my son include the IVY schools in his search.He was never interested in the IVY schools,but after I explained to him what Blue and Fenway told me,he reluctantly included those schools in his updates.Well,about 3 months ago my son decided that he IS interested in the IVY's after all.He's been getting regular emails from a few in particular and he's glad that he included them in his updates.It also helps that 2 of his high school teammates from last season are now playing at IVY schools.In fact,one of them is now a teammate of FenwaySouth's son


Continue to be persistent and everything will work out.I myself don't know where my 2014 son will eventually land.However, I have learned that if a player has excellent grades and great character he WILL have lots of choices.


 Also,It doesn't hurt to blast a homerun in a CIF semi final game that was captured on video either


Good luck and I hope your son has a great spring in the classroom and on the field !



2015 LHP came back from UOV Big Ten school...great experience of 3 hour tour and conversation.  At end of visit, coach told him they would like his schedule and plan to see him pitch in Spring.  Also told him to call each week to stay in contact/checkin...


They have seen him pitch in ft.meyer last fall and again a few weeks back at showcase. Is there a way to gauge level of interest?  what is the intent/purpose of the weekly calls comment?   



GoBlue 55,


My two cents...Everything you've shared is extremely positive.  First thing to take away is they want to get to know your son a lot better.  The second thing I'd take away from your situation is you are looking at the right talent level of baseball.  Some folks struggle with this, but your 2015 seems to be "fishing in the right pond".  If I was in your shoes, I would begin to research other schools at this baseball talent level and other big 10 schools for interest.  Developing a market for your son is a good thing. Also, I would do as the coach suggests by sending him the summer schedule and checking-in as often as the coach wants.  The coach wants to stay in touch, and see your son's progress.  This is a great experience for your son as he will learn to handle himself with coaches, and learn more about the recruiting process.  It may take a little while, but eventually he'll get more comfortable with it.  Good luck!



Thanks for the response.  As you shared, this beginning has been a great experience....he has been to two other UOV, with generous offers already been made (athletic + academic money).  Son has eyes set on Big Ten, with his recent visit his "dream school".   


Your insights are appreciated...hard to believe our Soph is thinking through where he wants to be in 2 1/2 years.  The recruiting process seems to take on a life of its own with may peaks and valleys...always trying to understand level of interest, etc.  


Thanks again

GoBlue 55,


The fact that your son is receiving offers prior to his 2015 sophomore baseball year is a much different matter.  You are much farther down the recruiting path than previously shared, and in a vastly different position with multiple offers. 


Is he being pressured to verbally commit?  Has your son seen other schools than the Big 10?  It must be a great feeling to know your hs sophomore son is wanted at his dream school, but also difficult to know if this is the right situation.  Truthfully, I would have had a hard time with it given my son's situation a few years ago.  What are your thoughts, and is there anything we can do to help?    Good luck.



I apologize for leaving the "offer" information out.   For one school he was given a deadline while the other it was left more open-ended (if that makes sense).  My son has seen small, medium and large schools...but still determining what is right for him.  He is academically strong, wants to stay in Midwest region, and would love to attend a school with tradition, etc.     


As for committing must be the right fit and we are trying as parents to make sure he is looking at schools that he would like to attend if he wasn't playing baseball.  For both of us, its also trying to make decisions now, without knowing what else is (or isn't) coming.  He's very young and it still is very early in the process.  Fortunately son also has excellent summer team with great contacts/experience/best interest in mind. 


Appreciate the thoughts and feedback.

You have time. If they want you'll they will come find you.  To be honest many college coaches are not real good at communicating until they want to offer you so keep looking, be realistic, attend some quality showcases and just be patient and have a good season.  At this point I wouldn't rush into anything.  Check out a few years worth of rosters and see if this coach keeps players or they vanish....remember, every year they are looking too...consider a JC as well and try to play immediately...I've seen plusses and minuses at all levels from a DAD standpoint as well as a head HS baseball coach.  Be Patient and tell your kid what happens will happen..His job is to go win games for his HS right now.....

GoBlue we are in almost the very same situation. I have a son who is a LHP and a 2015 grad. He has a verbal on the table from a Mid-Major and also a situation very similar to your Big 10 visit with a Big East Team (will be transferring to Big 10 by the time he attends) Big East school says they love him and want him. They say if we have a little patience while they finish up the 2014's they will make it very worth our while. They asked us to contact them ASAP should another offer come in. The Mid-Major offer came in after this meeting. I have not rushed to call them as they asked in fear of having to make a decision way to soon. Should I have let the Big East School know of the offer?? I don't know, this all is happening so fast since he pitched in Jupiter this past fall. There are several other teams wanting us to come see them so we are making a list and making a plan, then there is PG Jr. Nationals....

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