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@2022NYC posted:

I found out the hard way the "take my wife please" type jokes are considered tasteless. I guess I am in the comedic dark ages.

If Henny Youngman was alive he would be turning 115 next month. There may be people on this board who have never heard of Henny Youngman. He was “old” when I was young.

An older pitching coach i know got his first "shot" and his sore arm made his fastball act a little differently. He's now trying to develop, what he calls his Covid Fastball. Apparently, from the batter's perspective, the pitch looks like its coming from China, then just explodes on you!

Ok, just trying to lighten things up a bit.

Obviously, I shouldn't quit my day job to become a comedian.

Being in Healthcare and treating patients on a daily basis , I qualified for Level 1 vaccination. I have received both "shots" of Moderna. The first vaccination gave me no side effects. The second caused Flu -like symptoms, starting about 12 ours after the shot and extending for about 30 hours. Then I felt fine. My best wishes for all out there, and i hope we see an end to this crazy pandemic soon !!!!

My wife had a similar reaction. Worse on the second shot than first. Like the beginnings of the flu. Some colleagues had the same, others felt little to nothing.

@baseballhs posted:

Curious if any college players have been told they have to get it?  Or maybe told it's not mandatory, but mandatory....

I seriously doubt they have been told (in writing) they have to get it.   Possibly a strong verbal "recommendation" and nod from the coach.   My youngest son is in the Army and I can't believe they have NOT made it mandatory (yet).   My son had his first covid shot 3 weeks ago, and is scheduled to get his 2nd later this week.

Somebody that works with my youngest son in the same area had Covid-19 10 days ago.   He was never within 25 feet of her and always wears a mask.    When the Army discovered she had Covid, he was home over the weekend.   He got a call Saturday afternoon that he had to be back on post by Saturday midnight and had to quarantine 10 days...he wasn't the only one.  He was able to stay in shape by running outside and doing pushups, situps in barracks.   Today is his first day back, and he feels fine.     

Last edited by fenwaysouth

fenwaysouth In the "old" days your most precious possession in the ARMY was your shot record. They lines hundreds of us up outside in our underwear. As we got into the site there were folks on both side of us with guns that gave multiple shot at once. Sot step shot step, until you could not lift your arms.

They did not know where they were sending you so you just got it all. Lose the shot record and you get them again.

@PitchingFan posted:

maybe Chic-Fil-A drive thru could get it done.  Buy a chicken sandwich and get a shot in less than 3 minutes.

Chick Fil A is amazing isn't it?? I also was encouraged to see places like Disney helping out. There is a difference between public health and crowd control. Let public health deal with getting the vaccines and professional crowd control people deal with distributing it.

@Iowamom23 posted:

My son's been told that his best hope for getting an early vaccine is because he drives for door dash and thus is an "essential worker." We both are rolling our eyes at that, but if they offer it, he'll take it.

I would have laughed at that a week ago. My wife needs to quarantine and she usually handles the groceries. Since she couldn't go to the store she had them delivered. I can only imagine how many other people are relying on these delivery services now. I still wouldn't put delivery drivers ahead of a ton of other groups, but certainly ahead of me.

@TPM posted:

Coach son was told he had to have it. As far as team, about half have had Covid, so they are covered for now.  If it happens will be after season is over more than likely.

I've asked this question of tons of different types of people in different industries with no clear answers. For the players who have had it, are they required to quarantine if they are come in close contact with someone positive?

I've asked this question of tons of different types of people in different industries with no clear answers. For the players who have had it, are they required to quarantine if they are come in close contact with someone positive?

The biggest headache is having to quarantine room mates if a player tests positive. Then there is a testing protocol for the player and roommates.

As far as coming into contact with someone who tested positive outside of the team, I believe that there is a different protocol followed, but not 14 days in quarantine.

Also taken into consideration is the  reliability of the test.

Now for the question, if the player had covid and comes in contact with someone, if the window is over 120 days from their positive test they have to get tested. I am not sure but I think that the NCAA requires tests of players after that period as well.

Not 100 % positive that its 4 months.

I've asked this question of tons of different types of people in different industries with no clear answers. For the players who have had it, are they required to quarantine if they are come in close contact with someone positive?

This is a difficult question as the data is still coming in. The variant may have been linked to reinfection in Brazil and there are incidents of reinfection due to declining long term immunity. The other argument is that an immunized person is still an asymptomatic spreader.  The safer choice when there is uncertainty is to quarantine

I would have laughed at that a week ago. My wife needs to quarantine and she usually handles the groceries. Since she couldn't go to the store she had them delivered. I can only imagine how many other people are relying on these delivery services now. I still wouldn't put delivery drivers ahead of a ton of other groups, but certainly ahead of me.

So  she doesn't trust you to do the shopping?  Neither does mine - I get the wrong stuff. LOL!

My daughter and fiance both work at Walmart - she's in the meat dept and he works wherever they need him.  The online grocery orders there are through the roof.  That said, about half the staff in the online grocery dept were quarantined with possible covid about two weeks ago.

I got first shot last week.  130 PM.  was fine all night with some shoulder tenderness at the injection site.

woke up the next morning at 530 for work. felt fine. Met with my boss at 7 and started getting the feeling you get when a cold or flu is coming on but a day or two away.  told him I was going to go home after our 730-900 conf call. hopped on the call and started feeling worse. left work (confcall on my phone ) at 815.  got home, finished the call and was in bed at 905.  woke up drenched at noon, as if I had had a fever that broke. still felt a little off.  had some lunch and did some light work.  left the house to pick up my DD at 230. realized, as I picked her up at 3, that I felt perfectly fine.

In the span of 8 hours, I went through the entire cycle of a flu that normally would last me a week and a half.  what a trip!!

@mattys posted:

I got first shot last week.  130 PM.  was fine all night with some shoulder tenderness at the injection site.

woke up the next morning at 530 for work. felt fine. Met with my boss at 7 and started getting the feeling you get when a cold or flu is coming on but a day or two away.  told him I was going to go home after our 730-900 conf call. hopped on the call and started feeling worse. left work (confcall on my phone ) at 815.  got home, finished the call and was in bed at 905.  woke up drenched at noon, as if I had had a fever that broke. still felt a little off.  had some lunch and did some light work.  left the house to pick up my DD at 230. realized, as I picked her up at 3, that I felt perfectly fine.

In the span of 8 hours, I went through the entire cycle of a flu that normally would last me a week and a half.  what a trip!!

Did you see colors?  😁 Was it all too beautiful?

@Good Knight posted:

TPM My arm hurts like crazy also!

So last night out of the blue, I felt like a really bad  flu was upon me.  By 11ish, it was like the flood gates were released. Every part of my body hurt like I have never experienced.  Thank goodness for heating pads, which I slept on all night. Just starting to feel better with Tylenol 650 and anti inflammatory med, and CBD this morning.  Better half just really tired, which is not normal. But all these various symptoms are supposed to be good.

It's obvious that we aren't pitchers, and having a son who had 2 surgeries on his right arm, coracoid impingement, then  ulnar nerve impingement, I get it.

When the vaccine becomes available to all, don't pass it up, because I can't imagine what having COVID is actually like.


Last edited by TPM
@PitchingFan posted:

Coach son was also told he had to have it but never given a timeframe.  They are saying almost all state and federal employees will have to have it but they are not on the list yet to get it.  Public school coaches are considered state employees.

I think it will be difficult, maybe impossible, for any employer (except maybe the military) to require a vaccine that is being used under an Emergency Use Authorization. 

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