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Wishing all Websters a wonderful five weeks ahead, filled with merriment and baseball-shaped sugarplum dreams of the 2010 season.

I haven't had a TG or Christmas in the States since 1995. Fortunately, have always had the kids with us and have always made ourselves a merry little Christmas. Today we're going to another DoD teacher's house for turkey and some good laughs. Several of my ballplayers will be there (my son, the host's son, and my catcher from Boston), so am sure we'll talk a lot of ball. Oldest son comes home Dec 13th! Can't wait!

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Happy Thanksgiving to you also Krak...

I have been thinking of your team over there and hope all is going well.

Any interest in inticing 1 or 2 Perfect Game scouts to make a trip over the big big pond to your place to do a Showcase? Maybe you could cast the net far and wide in the area and get enough boys together at a discount rate (enough to pay airfare and accomodations and time for the PG guys.)

I think it is something that I would be interested in chipping in a few dollars for as I really am Thankful for the men and women who serve, and these kids would get the same chance we sometimes take for granted here.


Wow Krak, I was just thinking of you and remembering last year how your son spent Thanksgiving alone at school. A year later, wondering how he is doing and my goodness, seems like yesterday you were so concerned about him being alone, not just a year ago. Does time really "fly" or is it my imagination?
Hope all is well.
Happy Holidays!
Krak-Spawn1 is spending TG in Dallas this year with a couple of friends. How times change, and thank goodness that time works its magic. Yes, last year was very difficult all around for him, but he is definitely having a good year thus far. Thanks for thinking of him!

It's 2pm Thanksgiving Day here and we are off to our friends' house. I'm wondering if my three players who'll be there and I can sneak off and try out the new Portalite portable mound the AD finally caved on ordering. It took 3 MONTHS to get here. I broke open the crate this morning to look at this beauty. Wow, can't wait 'til the boys see it!

But.....such a slipping away is doubtful, what with us being under the watchful eyes of our spouses!

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