Originally posted by no11:
I have been using Nikon since the 60's. IMO, Nikon makes the best lenses. So, my suggestion would be to buy the cheapest Nikon SLR digital (the D40 is good), and then the best Nikon lenses you can buy. They are interchangeable for the most part, and so you can upgrade your SLR body later when you can afford it. I have used Canon, Minolta, and some others. They are good, but still nothing beats a Nikon lens.
Well I am a little late to this discussion - but wanted to chime in anyway.
Like no11, I have been a user of one brand of camera since the 1960's - and my dad even before that. The difference is I am a Canon guy. As you may have guessed, there is a religious war between Nikon and Canon advocates that spans the decades. Think Giants and Dodgers or Yankees and Red Sox - the camera geeks can be even worse.
I will say that Nikon makes great cameras - I just prefer Canon. I don't think you can go wrong with either one - they are definitely the best two brands out there.
You have essentially been given great advice above - buy the best lens you can afford with a less expensive body and upgrade the body later if you want.
The key with lens is the faster the better - I generally suggest 2.8 for sports photography.
From a size point of view, for baseball, you need a minimum of 300mm and 400mm would be better. You could use a 200mm with a teleconverter but that will give you lower quality. Here is a link to a new teleconverter - but you can do better price wise with a used one.
http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/220457-USA/Canon_..._EF_Extender_II.html You may also want a tripod or monopod like that to hold the camera as that size lens can be a beast and may be hard to hold still by hand.
Hope this helps