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It is my understanding that the purpose of this forum is to provide information regarding High School Baseball. Is this a correct assumption? It just makes me sick to get on here to try to find info and all I get are a few grouchy posters complaining about "lists", "mentioning freshmen" ( the last time I checked freshmen were in High School) and yes before anyone accuses me of having a son who is a freshman, I will come clean up front and admit it and I am very proud of him. That is my job, I am his mom. I like to log on and hear about the great game of baseball that is being played all over the the GREAT state of Texas. I like to hear about the no hitters, the walk off homers, the great plays, etc. but if posters are going to be attacked everytime they post on a topic what is the use? Can this website be used for the purpose that it was originally intended, to better inform the public about the goings on in high school ball? If you don't have anything better to do than attacked people that have genuine questions then why don't you start your own forum and leave this one alone. I hope that I have the support of all the people who want HSBASEBALLWEB to be used for the purpose it was meant to be used for.
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Am I missing something?

I have not seen anyone criticizing people for posting about Freshmen in quite a long time. (months!) Did I miss a recent thread or post?

I do agree that we have reached a new level of bickering, bantering, and general unkind behavior in the Texas forum which does not promote high school baseball in our area.

Maybe we need one big group hug with a round of Kumbaya....
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by baseball13mom:
...., I will come clean up front and admit it and I am very proud of him. That is my job, I am his mom.
I like to log on and hear about the great game of baseball that is being played all over the the GREAT state of Texas.

May you find interests in the Ladies Only forum. The sign on the door says "GENTLEmen are invited.... "Beware of the pink poodles.........

The front page portal say the current topic is about Getting White Pants Clean.

I thought I heard, once, "Texas women don't need a man around to keep things running."

Will we hear from you again in six months?
Last edited by Bear
Orginally posted by Bear:
May you find interests in the Ladies Only forum. The sign on the door says "GENTLEmen are invited.... "Beware of the pink poodles.........

The front page portal say the current topic is about Getting White Pants Clean.

I thought I heard, once, "Texas women don't need a man around to keep things running."

Will we hear from you again in six months?

Bless His Heart! Cool
Last edited by The Beast
Originally posted by Bear:
Originally posted by baseball13mom:
...., I will come clean up front and admit it and I am very proud of him. That is my job, I am his mom.
I like to log on and hear about the great game of baseball that is being played all over the the GREAT state of Texas.

May you find interests in the Ladies Only forum. The sign on the door says "GENTLEmen are invited.... "Beware of the pink poodles.........

The front page portal say the current topic is about Getting White Pants Clean.

I thought I heard, once, "Texas women don't need a man around to keep things running."

Will we hear from you again in six months?

If you don't like it in Texas take I-30 North...
Originally posted by Maverick0714:
Originally posted by Bear:
Originally posted by baseball13mom:
...., I will come clean up front and admit it and I am very proud of him. That is my job, I am his mom.
I like to log on and hear about the great game of baseball that is being played all over the the GREAT state of Texas.

May you find interests in the Ladies Only forum. The sign on the door says "GENTLEmen are invited.... "Beware of the pink poodles.........

The front page portal say the current topic is about Getting White Pants Clean.

I thought I heard, once, "Texas women don't need a man around to keep things running."

Will we hear from you again in six months?

If you don't like it in Texas take I-30 North...

In true fashion, a suggestion to go north on 30 will get you about as far as most advice on this board.
Last edited by Pick Johnson
Bear, you just made her point! Way to go baseball13mom!! I agree with all that you said!! My mom once told me, "If you can't say anything good, don't say it at all!" I appreciate you post, baseball13mom!

Originally posted by Bear:
Originally posted by baseball13mom:
...., I will come clean up front and admit it and I am very proud of him. That is my job, I am his mom.
I like to log on and hear about the great game of baseball that is being played all over the the GREAT state of Texas.

May you find interests in the Ladies Only forum. The sign on the door says "GENTLEmen are invited.... "Beware of the pink poodles.........

The front page portal say the current topic is about Getting White Pants Clean.

I thought I heard, once, "Texas women don't need a man around to keep things running."

Will we hear from you again in six months?
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
In my opinion, the Texas Forum is pretty much an accurate reflection of what HS baseball is. Basically a bunch of defunct personalities glorifying their own ego through the performance or lack there of their sons. Sad thing is, the kids are the ones that get the wrong message in the end and the messages are passed onto the next generation.

And yet, here you are. Kind of pathetic to spend any time at all on something you have such low regard for.
Last edited by wraggArm
BBM13 - Thank you for posting this and I hope your thoughts filter through to the crew.

Over the years I have gained a lot of knowledge from this site but it does take some effort. At one point I was one of the knucklehead posters just trying to have fun. But we all live and learn.

You will find information about Perfect Game events, the Area Code Game process as well as some honest thoughts about summer team options. It is also a good site to post scores both in the summer and the HS season. Tracking tournaments in the summer would be almost impossible without the HSBW, including the 15 and 16 yr old events.

I am coaching 7 & 9 yrs again and I look forward to using this tool again in the future and having moms like you on the site give me hope that the site will remain a valuable tool. Please ignore the bullies and brats and post as you see is an open forum.
Remember when your mom would say..."consider the source"...? I've had a run-in or 2 with Bear, too. Julie has advised him to lighten up...
so, as mom said..."consider the source..."
imo, he is a chauvanist & has been rude to many moms here...
Use the "ignore button".
Let me help you get your "mosey" going there, Bear
I agree with baseballmom....keep it informational and less personal(may be asking toooo much)

as a parent of a 2013 freshmen on varsity this year ... there is alot to be learned by the many valuable resources on this site...
if we can strive to keep personal agendas out of the discussions....and focus on the sharing of pertinent info/experiences....

all we are saying is .... give peace a chance Smile
(the great John Lennon)
Originally posted by baseballmom:
Remember when your mom would say..."consider the source"...? I've had a run-in or 2 with Bear, too. Julie has advised him to lighten up...
so, as mom said..."consider the source..."
imo, he is a chauvanist & has been rude to many moms here...
Use the "ignore button".
Let me help you get your "mosey" going there, Bear

To get back to, before you delete it!
Originally posted by Lisa Thompson:
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Am I missing something?

I have not seen anyone criticizing people for posting about Freshmen in quite a long time. (months!) Did I miss a recent thread or post?

I do agree that we have reached a new level of bickering, bantering, and general unkind behavior in the Texas forum which does not promote high school baseball in our area.

Great observation/commentary Cheapseats. Are you opposed or not opposed to bickering, bantering, and general unkind behavior in the Texas forum which does not promote high school baseball in our area? A few of your posts can be viewed as unkind. We all need to do a better job of filtering our thoughts/posts. Anyone and everyone should be welcome to post congratulatory messages, ask questions, and share informantion... without being attacked.

Lisa - I would characterize all 5 of the private messages that you and your husband have sent me as contentious (unkind, bantering, name calling). I have asked you in private to please stop messaging me and that has not seemed to work so I will now ask you in public. Please stop sending me messages. Thanks!
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by Lisa Thompson:
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Am I missing something?

I have not seen anyone criticizing people for posting about Freshmen in quite a long time. (months!) Did I miss a recent thread or post?

I do agree that we have reached a new level of bickering, bantering, and general unkind behavior in the Texas forum which does not promote high school baseball in our area.

Great observation/commentary Cheapseats. Are you opposed or not opposed to bickering, bantering, and general unkind behavior in the Texas forum which does not promote high school baseball in our area? A few of your posts can be viewed as unkind. We all need to do a better job of filtering our thoughts/posts. Anyone and everyone should be welcome to post congratulatory messages, ask questions, and share informantion... without being attacked.

Lisa: I have NEVER seen Cheapseat be ugly or unkind to anyone. I find the back and forth bantering to be entertaining. I agree with you that people should be able to speak their mind without being attacked. You are always going to have people on ANY FORUM who feel that they know best and should be able to post whatever they want.

I'm not saying its right but it is going to happen regardless.
Originally posted by Lisa Thompson:
Last attempt. Negative comments were posted about my family. The comment trail was hurtful. The comments that each individual person makes may not feel personal to you but they do feel personal to that player and family. This wasn't a matter of saying the stats were incorrect or I have seen a better player. I wish people would leave opinions and judgement on "family" out. Cheapseats made comments that continued to fuel commentary. Cheapseats, along with many others, made it clear how they feel about our family and the situation. Yes, I private messaged on the heels of each post... don't negative post, and I won't reply. You clearly don't like our family (though I have no idea who you are). OK - Please don't post it here.

There is nothing more I can say. Those who get it, understand. I always try to put myself in the other persons shoes. Not how I view it but how it may feel to another. Please keep posts fact based regarding the player/game.

Cheapseats, best of luck to you and yours.

Lisa - As I stated in my private message to you, I have nothing but respect for your son based upon what I have heard about him, as a player and a person. I have never seen him play and I have never met you or your family.

However, I believe asking that I remove my posts via contentious private messages is inappropriate. There are no posts that I have made that I feel need to be removed.

Thanks for the well wishes, best of luck to you as well.
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by Lisa Thompson:
Last attempt. Negative comments were posted about my family. The comment trail was hurtful. The comments that each individual person makes may not feel personal to you but they do feel personal to that player and family. This wasn't a matter of saying the stats were incorrect or I have seen a better player. I wish people would leave opinions and judgement on "family" out. Cheapseats made comments that continued to fuel commentary. Cheapseats, along with many others, made it clear how they feel about our family and the situation. Yes, I private messaged on the heels of each post... don't negative post, and I won't reply. You clearly don't like our family (though I have no idea who you are). OK - Please don't post it here.

There is nothing more I can say. Those who get it, understand. I always try to put myself in the other persons shoes. Not how I view it but how it may feel to another. Please keep posts fact based regarding the player/game.

Cheapseats, best of luck to you and yours.

M'am, cheapseats is a very nice lady. She never posted anything about your family. She simply was stating things about being humble in success.

Obviously, Heath is a very good team, so by nature has very good players. Anyone that is interested in HS baseball will know the key players and their accomplishments. There are several threads about Heath and the players that are doing the heavy lifting.

Because the team and players are so good, there will be plenty of accolades to go around. If they go on to have post-season success, even more recognition will come their way.

So when relatives of players of the team come on here and post even more about their accomplishments, it comes across as self-serving.

Your best bet is to let others do the bragging for you.

There is my unsolicited 2 cents...and worth every penny.
Last edited by tychco
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
I have never met Michele (cheapseats) and as far as I know she has never met my son or seen him play. But through board talk and a few pm's, she has been nothing short of gracious. The concern, well-wishes and encouragement we have received from her speaks volumes in my opinion. Class Act!

I am sure Cheapseats is a great person. I have not had the pleasure of meeting him/her. Perhaps someday. I am not saying that they aren't anything short of wonderful. Our words can be read differently by many. We should be cautious in their use, myself included.
Well, I don't have much reason to post here anymore.

But, I will come forward to echo Tychco's post about cheapseats.

I've been around here for awhile, and, haven't seem many that have displayed class the way cheapseats has.

It's normal for freshman parents to be excited about their players and to seek recognition for their efforts.

In the past, this site has been somewhat receptive, tolerant, encouraging and understanding about the excitement a parent has toward a player beginning to make his mark in the baseball world.

One of the things that freshman parents will learn is how much of that recognition to seek.

It could be learned here on this site, especially from a classy poster like cheapseats, but, more likely, it will be learned through your son as he learns an important part of the game of baseball on the field.

Along with the recognition of success will come the criticism as well.

It is important to learn how to accept both.

I don't think both of those acceptances can be learned here, but only through your son on the baseball field.

"You can observe a lot by watching" was one of the best rules that I was fortunate to learn early.

It's nice to enjoy a no-hitter by your son, a 4-4 night with two HR's and seven RBI................

But, be prepared to deal with giving up the game winning run for the district championship in the bottom of the 7th with two outs, a 3-2 count, runner on second, and a line drive over the CF's head..................
Last edited by FormerObserver
OMG, Lisa Johnson, now speaking for the fan club instead of big train. Big Trains PM's to me have been very bitter and personal. I will gladly post my private responses to him if he will let me show the private posts he has sent to me. Very, very, over the top! He still doesn't hear a word I say but tycho sums it up best "be humble in success". Perfectly if the singing von thompson family can just listen to it. I have stated to him at least 4 times that I hope Heath wins state, for both 10-4a and for north texas. I have stated several of my opinions on here and he lashes out personally in pm's because he disagrees. Its called a difference of opinion. The world is not going to end because of it. Cheapseats, I'm sure my three private messages from the big train, the dad, are just as contentious as your five. Big chip on the shoulder.
Where did Big train's response go??? It was just up here!!! It was just getting good!! That is like your tivo cutting off 5 minutes early and not getting to finish the season ender!!!!

Originally posted by txdad1315:
OMG, Lisa Johnson, now speaking for the fan club instead of big train. Big Trains PM's to me have been very bitter and personal. I will gladly post my private responses to him if he will let me show the private posts he has sent to me. Very, very, over the top! He still doesn't hear a word I say but tycho sums it up best "be humble in success". Perfectly if the singing von thompson family can just listen to it. I have stated to him at least 4 times that I hope Heath wins state, for both 10-4a and for north texas. I have stated several of my opinions on here and he lashes out personally in pm's because he disagrees. Its called a difference of opinion. The world is not going to end because of it. Cheapseats, I'm sure my three private messages from the big train, the dad, are just as contentious as your five. Big chip on the shoulder.
Last edited by Just sayin'
Alternative "Happy Ending":

Where it turns out that Lisa T. and cheapseats aren't really angry baseball moms, they're really Danika Patrick and that one chick from "Lost". And it turns out that the real "purpose of this forum" was to stage a fake fight between the two for a commercial that's going to be filmed in Danny Boydston's basement, and everyone who has visited this thread is invited. Then when we get there, Chris Berman is MCing the whole thing and its really a beer commercial, and there's a big mud wresting pit and we all get free beer. And then after the fight (which, by the way, is awesome), tychco shows up with his guitar and plays an "unplugged" concert, because it turns out that he's really Michael Stipe...
Last edited by wraggArm

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